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Satan's son is all grown up.
And he's not playing around any more.

The Son of Satan

I have to admit right up front, this is
not my favorite Sam Neill movie. I know
it was his big break and probably made
him famous and all, but I just prefer
the older Sam Neill. Still, the eyes,
the smile, the voice! They're all here
and just as great!

Oooooo, evil incarnate!

Our Sam does some naughty things in this
movie - killing infants, corrupting
youth, messing with people's minds.
It's all very scary! Most Sam fans who
like this movie are attracted by how
powerful he is. I just think he's
smoldering! (HeeHee, get it?)

Just Rewards!

In the end, the son of Satan gets his
just rewards and is killed by the female
journalist who thought she loved him. He
was corrupting her son and the mothering
instinct won out!
This movie is rated R and is very
violent and gory. If you enjoy scary
movies with a religious theme such as
The Exorcist and the other Omen movies
you will probably enjoy this one. It is
definitely not for children and
probably not for new mothers. I don't
generally like this type of film and
only recommend it for Sam fans if you
really, really like the younger Sam.

Counter courtesy of Thorne Industries

Click on the palette to see Sam in Sirens!