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A cow

Behold the ferocious monster. Tremble at the sight of such raw power. OK, so it's just a cow. But cows are good, too. I mean they do lots of spiffy things. They moo. They eat grass. They moo. They make milk. They moo. They eat their food twice. They moo. They sometimes go mad (only in England). And most importantly they moo.

A lot of people underestimate the importance of cows. What if we didn't have cows? There would be no milk!!! Sure, you say there would be sheep's and goat's milk, but have you ever tasted those? No, and I wouldn't recommend it.

As long as we're on the subject of milk, where did someone come up with the idea to milk a cow? Think about it. "Hey honey, I just squeezed some white stuff out from the sac under the cow. You wanna drink it with me?" I mean come on would you do that. No I don't think so. Point made.

I think I mentioned before that cows moo. If not I'll mention it now. Cows moo. There's nothing really special about this, except that it's cool, and not many, if any other, animals do this. Because cows moo they are sometimes refered to as "moocows". Isn't that a fun word? Moocow. Moocow. Moocow in Spanish is "la vaca que muge." In German it is "muh kuh." Hope you find that as fun as I do. To hear cows mooing again click here.

As I mentioned before, sometimes cows go mad. This is called mad cow's disease (ooo exciting name. Wonder how they came up with that one.) This hasn't happen in the U.S. supposedly, but I have my doubts. Oprah? She's seems mad to me, and well the cow part speaks for itself.

For a way to tell if your cows or mad or not download this program. It's really funny. Madcow.exe

This could be a mad cow!!

Pictures of cow can be typed out. They can be made using text. Here's an example of one.

                            / |     ||
                           *  ||----||
                              ^^    ^^

To see more cows like this, only different go here. You really should see this sometime. They're funny.

Well that's about all I have on cows. I hope you enjoyed this page, and now appreciate cows more than ever. Bye and Moo.