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s o d a p o p

s o d a p o p is taking too long to come out so basically i'm just going to change it to a collective of my aliases. it'll still be a couple months before i can get everything running smoothly but at least it'll be a smaller job instead of me making shrines to certain anime. ;P i just really want to talk everyone for being so patient.

c o m m i n g . s o o n
Alexandria Lucifer Blake Sailor Hades Marie Renee
Akai Inazuma Silverstar Chantel Beaumont

purple! + Nuriko
music rocks .*.dir en grey
I am different
** my critter ** landry
True Beauty is on the Inside
the glitter fades.
yea, i'm alone
scented // orange jell-o

broken link? please please please tell me!
want me to link you? ^^ just ask! keep in mind i only do buttons tho.. *points* see? ^^
send all mail and stuffers to: .

pepsi-chan's current mood: