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R.I.P. Bully

I would like to dedicate this web page to my dead Siamese Fighter fish, Bully. Bully was a present from my friend Dalya. We were in the mall and she bought him for me. We named him Bully because sadly he had an eating disorder-Bully could not keep down his food. Bully was a bulemic fish. Still i took him into my home and tried to feed him freeze dried worms every day. Otherwise, Bully lived happily in his little bowl, swimming aimlessly all day. Last week I found Bully floating tail up in his bowl. Funeral services were held in my bathroom. A quick flush was good enough for my Bully. Though my dad thinks that Bully died b/c I went to florida for a week and didnt feed Bully, i know in my heart that Bully died because of his obsession with being beautiful. Bully, you will always remain my loyal friend.

My Favorite things about Bully

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