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Guitarist Mark Rohrbaugh and drummer Chris Shults formed Entranced at the early age of 17 as a purely instrumental project. With only the 2 of them, and with keyboards left over from a previous lineup of the band, they recorded the first Entranced release. On the CD, Chris played keyboards and Mark played guitar, bass, keys and drums. The band later picked up life long friend Brian Cain as their bassist with the intentions of becoming a live perfomance band. The band still lacked a keyboardist, vocalist and drummer, so they searched for months to find members. Chris then decided to take over drums and vocals, and Brian became the current keyboardist. The band perfomed live as a trio for months until bassist Matt Zegars came along for 3 weeks, did a show, and was replaced by Ben Zaayer. Aarion Nielsen was later picked up as Entranced's current vocalist. Chris later quit the band and was replaced the next week by current drummer Chris Correll. Bassist Ben Zaayer then decided to pursue other interests and Mark will play bass on the upcoming album until a new bassist is found. Entranced is currently writing and recording their first full length album due to be released nationally sometime in 2000. Entranced also has released a promotonal CD that contains 4 songs that may or may not be on the new album. The entire promo CD can now be downloaded on the SOUNDS page.


Entranced, Instrumental Demo CD, 96

Entranced, Promotional CD, 99

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