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The MGM Grand's EFX Show


"I'm the chosen one"

Tommy Tune

Tommy Tune 1

Tommy Tune 3

Tommy Tune is the third person to take over the show for EFX. Tommy took over the show when David Cassidy quit. Tommy started in 1999. He has just extended his original one year contract for an additional 6 months.
Like David Cassidy, Tommy completely changed the show and so it can not be compared to Michael Crawford's or David Cassidy's shows.
Tommy takes the show back to a more serious side but still fits in plenty of comedy. Since Tommy is a dancer the show leans more to the dance side of the spectrum. It is a wonderful show that really gets the audience moving!

T Tune 2

T Tune 4

T Tune and the time machine

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This site belongs to Leslie Stewart

Pictures are © MGM Grand, Showbiz Magazine and
Peggy L. Stewart