Welcome to World of Dr. Quinn

A hopefully comprehensive fanfic source for Quinn FANactics

Watch Dr. Quinn at 3pm/2pm Central on weekdays on PAXNET

Hi! My name is Jenna. Since Adair has not had the time, she has handed her files over to me. I'll do my best to keep them updated. I will be surfing around the net, getting links to hopefully all the fanfic and their sites as a resource guide for those who love Dr. Quinn fanfic. For any addition, correction, feedback, death threat, or hate mail then email SERAPH83@yahoo.com.

Also, if you have a picture of the Cooper children together or several different couples, or know where one is, I'd appreciate it. My deepest gratitude to Vicki for sharing her wealth of fanfic. When you're sick of my site, I personally recommend her two sites:

The DQMW Art and More Page
Colleen and Andrew's Home on the Web

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Vicki, Adair, Sarah, the authors, Anna from Russia, Chloe, Lina, all Webmasters

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with CBS, DQMW, its writers/producers/cast/crew, etc. or anything that has to do with official DQMW. I gain no profit, nor do the writers that appear on this page. I claim to own nothing I have borrowed from other sites. I am simply a fan, creating this site for my own amusement and pleasure, as well as for those fellow fans of Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman. All writers appear with intent of copyright protection. Please copy nothing without the permission of the owner unless for private, personal use. This site © of Jenna Kilpatrick 1999 - 2000. All rights reserved. (We come in peace.)

Email Webmaster Jenna~

people have come to my site.

Last updated December 16, 1999