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Longmeadow Class of 79 Reunion Photos

This one is suitable for framing. Great shot!

Mary Jo Grippo Prater, Diane Romell Millas, Sally Riggs Foley, Cindy Conant Fortier, Pam Mooney Hoyt, and Diane Rapalus Beir.

Well, we have to be fair to the men.

That's Michael "Deep Dish" Hurwitz, Dr. John McCann, Jeff Queen, and Larry Eagan.

Here's our 20th Reunion Gals! They put it all together for us.

What can we say except, THANK YOU! GREAT JOB!

Kitty Stelzer, Diane Romell Millas, and Kathleen Daly Leo.

Local entrepreneurs, Dan Plotkin and Gary Rome with Diane Rapalus Beir.

Diane is raising a family in West Hartford.

Hey, there's Brad Nichols and Beth Tedeschi Caviston.

Isn't that Deane Yesu yucking it up in the background?

Hello to Dina Radner! Nadine?

Who else went to Dr. Radner? How about Dr. Slater? Dr. Spink?

Vanessa Radke, Gina Massa, Kathleen Daly Leo, Judy Ranahan, and Sarah Woods Bates.

Jean Sullivan, Michael Gold, and David Boyd.

That's Cynthia and Steve Warsaw.

Judy Ranahan, Michelle Johnson, and Andrea Ecchio.

Linda Shupack, Diane Cowles Casey, Linda Doherty, and Damon Bates.

David Leo, and his wife, Kathleen Daly Leo, and Carroll O'Connor.

Peggy Cardwell.

Colin Harrington and his wife Suzy!

Thanks for all the help on the unknown classmates.

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Thanks for these great shots!

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