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Welcome To My Page!!!!!!

Hey! This is my page...I hope you like it cause I'm not intending to do anything major with it in the near future.

This space of mine has gone through a couple changes since I started a long long time ago when the earth was green...and there were more kinds of animals than you've ever seen! So yeah...if you didn't see it before, I guess thats too bad cause I don't really wanna change it back...

My email address is in case you want to send me any questions or comments, or any harassing email in general! I love getting emails...hehehe.

Anyways...have a look around...a lot of people really like the quotes and the poems. The pictures are good too far as I'M concerned that is...hehehe.

NEW STUFF!!!!!! Well, due to a lot of garbage being recently entered into my guestbook, I have decided to get a new one since I lost the password to the old one. So if you haven't done so yet, please sign my new guestbook!!!


Stuff About Me!
My Drawings!
A Little Something for Sheldon and Sean.
Some Of My Poetry!!
Other Poems That I Like - By friends, famous poets, etc.
Chronic Illness Page
Some Cool Quotes!!
Cool Inspirational Thingy!!!
My Friends!
Useless Information!!

Some of My Favorite Links!!

Much Music!
Vancouvers Rock Station, The Fox!
Calgary's Rock Station, CJAY 92!!
Stick Death
The University of Calgary
Nate Pike - A Local Calgary Musician!


Last Updated August 26, 2003

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