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Jessica's Not-So-Serious Index!!

WELCOME to Beanersville. However, renovations are currently taking place, and this is just an alternative site to my actual cool, well laid out site, so please, follow this link.

The Blue Cow's Corner

Index PageWhat you are currently looking at... The Table of Contents.
What's NewWhat has changed within the page and links to the changed pages.
Feedback FormAn easy to fill out form with submit buttons and everything! Please give me your comments, suggestions, etc.!
Creator's CornerMy Personal Page, with links to stuff I like. I'll tell you now, I love Sarah McLachlan...!
Lead in Water?A chemistry assignment, it is laboratory work done on the presence of lead in drinking water, and the effects on humans.
Science Olympiad!Actually a link to another page that I worked on with a friend of mine. It is a little bit less laid out than this page, but focuses on this great K-12 science competition. It's not a stupid project at all!
The Funny FarmEnter the Funny Farm, where I've stashed all the funny stuff I've collected, such as bumper stickers, Deep Thoughts, and more!
LinksWhat more can you say? Links, but to really cool stuff... like Sarah McLachlan, Dave Barry, Douglas Adams, free stuff...!

Well, I think that about does it for the index page, now get going and take a good look around!!! Thanks for Visiting! Love, Jess

Index Page | What's New | Feedback Form
Creator's Corner | Links | Lead in Water?
Science Olympiad | Funny Stuff

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Copyright 1998 | Jessica Tok | Updated May 29, 1998