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Terry's Beanie Baby Page

******Beanie Baby News******

******This Page was last updated May 6, 1998******

May 6.......Sorry about the very late update. As you know there were many retired this past week. The Teenies will be availble May 22. The following list is who is in the set and the order they will be released: Doby, Bongo, Twigs, Inch, Pinchers, Happy, Mel, Scoop, Bones, Zip, Waddle, and Peanut. I think the set will be as hot as last year. So far 75% of the people who voted said that they would keep a Princess if they had a choice. I will keep the poll open till the end of May. Ty also is going to release a bear call Clubby from the Ty Official Club. YOu can purchase the clubs at your nearest Ty retailer. That wraps of the news.

March 1......Sorry late update. I have had problems with my internet service and been busy with taxes. The only major news is that Erin has been released and prices are extrodanary high. I also heard that Erin will only be released in March. Guess we will have to wait and see. Also once again I do not have the Beanies listed in my price guide for sale. I am recieving 15 e-mails a week about these. I will not respond to any posts about these Beanies listed in the Price Guide. That is about all the news for this week.

February 8.......Not much new news. I have slowly been updating my Beanie Baby Price Guide. There will be several Sports Beanie Promotions including teams such as Chicago Cubs, Philidelphia 76ers, Detroit Tigers, and some more. I will post info here in the upcoming weeks.

January 28.......Once again more Teenie Beanie News. I hear anything from late June to late July and early August is when the Teenies will be released. You can click here to see the recent rumors surronding Teenie Beanies. The new retirements will proably be Mothers Day. My predictions on who will be retired are (Patti, Pinky, Quakers, Zip, Happy, Gobbles, and Inky). I will be taking a poll so please feel free to e-mail or post in the guestbook your 5 Beanies you feel will be retired. The poll will end March 31. That wraps the news up for this week.

January 26.......Not much new news. The new releases are out. I've noticed the Prance and Pounce's tags are different simialar to Echo and Waves tags last year. I will be having my 3rd Beanie Baby Auction next Sunday. Slow week so that wraps it up.

January 18.......I have more information concerning the 5th Generation Tags. Just click here to view a picture from Beaniemom's Homepage. I seen the highest price ever for a Princess today. $950. I also see that the new releases are now out. I am in desperate need for a Teddy or Seamore. I have a 97 Holiday Bear, Cubbie, or Valentino to trade if you could please help me out.

January 14.......If anyone has any information on the new swing tag please let me know. I was in Sioux City this weekend and I was lucky enough to find some Beanies. I opened the swing tag and to my suprise there was a new type of writing on it. It was italics (Just a guess, not good at finding fonts). Some information on the tag and font will be helpful. I also was told by one of the workers at a gift shop that each store will be doubling the Princess shipment to 24. Don't know if this is true. Please feel free to report any news or ask any questions concerning these stories. I also seen a classified in the paper for a Princess for $650 . I hope know one pays that much for a Princess. That all the news for now.

January 9.........Happy New Year!!!! Well you all now that Ty has retired new and have new Beanies out. The retired ones are 97 Teddy, Bucky, Cubbie, Goldie, Lizzy, Magic, Nip, Snowball, and Spooky.

New ones are Bruno the Terrior, Hissy the Snake, Iggy the Iquana, Pounce the Cat, Prance the Cat, Puffer the Puffin, Rainbow the Chameleon, Smoochy the Frog, Spunky the Cocker Spaniel, Stretch the Ostrich, and Britannaia the Bear (Europe Exclusive)

My 2nd annual Beanie Baby Auction is now going on till Sunday. More Princess news. I see the price increasing on this special bear. I hope that you people don't spend outragous prices on Princess. Also I will have my 97 Beanie Awards up soon.

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The page was created on May 22, 1997

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