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Sawaadee from Bangkok

One month in Bangkok and so far so good!

Highlights include Divya's 8th birthday celebration; watching Real Madrid play against the Thai National team for a football mad Kunal; The kids settling into school, making friends and quickly getting into the social swing of things here.

Back to school - kids with their bikes, bags et al, off to school at 7.10 am in their uniform!

Divya turns 8! Divya celebrated her 8th birthday in Bangkok in our new home on the 17th of August, almost overnight she managed to round up a gang of 10 kids from our compound and slap together a party with food, games, balloons and party bags. Big brother baked and iced a delicious chocolate cake and some blueberry muffins with some help from Betty Crocker!


Musical Chairs was a huge hit, though Musical Statues was No 1 on the charts!


Happy Birthday to you! The cake cutting and candle blowing and all the food and drinks!

Bangkok, End August - The Family Picture for the record! Over the summer Kunal has lost his braces, added a few inches (though still a couple of inches shorter than me!) and a earring!

Some of our summer holiday pictures

The Pune trip with family

My Canadian cousin's wedding