Cat of the Month!

Do you think that your cat has what it takes to be Cat of the Month? If so, fill out the form below. When it becomes the month of February, I will put the winner on this page. Your cat's name will also go on the "Cat of the Month Hall of Fame" page.

If you have more than one cat and you want to enter all of your cats, go ahead. And if you need to ask me anything, feel free to e-mail me!

Cat of the Month

Your first name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What is your cat's name?
What color is your cat?
How did your cat, become your cat?
What is your cat's favorite toy?

What is your cats favorite sleeping place?
Is your cat a female or male?
How old is your cat?
Why should your cat be Cat of the Month?

Main Page I Cat Facts I Cat Safety Tips

Cat Breed of the Month

Stop Cruelty to Animals! I Animal Webrings
