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The Stancil Family Homestead

Some little nuggets about us

Here are some of our favorite web sites...

Something for the Guys
Women's Ministries
Something for the Kids
Something for everyone
JoEllens' Room
JoEllen's Craft Room
Cales' Room
Austins' Room
Christophers' Room
Our HomeSchool Page....full of links and ideas! Hope it helps!
One of the Family
Digger Bings' Memorial Page
Sharpies' Memorial Page
Go for some coffee and fellowship....
A very cool site from a young man in our church...Tony Lopes

Well, a lot has happened in the past year! We have been married 20 years this past May. Austin is 19 years old. He has graduated from high school this year, and boy are we feeling old. Cale is a sophomore this year...where is the time going? We are still homeschooling Cale, and still loving every minute of it! Austin is going to attend some college classes this coming spring. He has gone from wanting to be a roller coaster architect to being a cinematographer. He wants to fit the service in there, as well as a trip into the mission field. Cale doesn't seem to want to do anything in marine biology any longer, he now is looking at the possibility of being a chef....but once again, we'll see! :)

As always, thank's for visiting our homestead. We will always be settling in, but feel free to come on in and look around. Please come back and visit us often, as we will be adding more things for you to do and see! Come back soon! We added our updated email address, so when you see it, drop us a line and let us know what you think of our place!

God Bless,

Tony, JoEllen, Chris, Austin, Cale!

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Thank You Grandma George for your beautiful graphics!

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