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:::tELL us what you thiNk:::

this sitE thRivEs oN youR iNput. No oNE caN chaNGE thE woRLd aLoNE, aNd wE caN't hELp unLEss you tELL us what wE'RE doiNg RiGht aNd what wE shouLd fix oR add.

pLEasE takE a sEcoNd to siGN ouR guEstbook. tELL us what you likEd, hatEd, aNy suGGEstioNs you'vE got.. whatEvER. wE'd appREciatE whatEvER fEEDback you caN GivE us.

aNothER way to GEt youR suGGestioNs hEaRd is to EmaiL thE fEw, thE REvEREd, thE (uN)hoLy 5.

§h䇇ê®êð_§øü£ (unfortunately email-less @ the moment!!)

LikE what you sEE?¿? thEN do us a favoR aNd LiNk to ouR sitE! aNd GEt youR fRiENds to LiNk to us too! you caN EithER do a tExt liNk, or usE oNE of ouR two kick-ass baNNERs!! just click oN thE oNE you LikE, savE it to youR computER, aND LiNk away!!

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