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Instructor Spotlight: Mr. Mike Raasch

September 23, 2010


Hapkido Instructor
Fremont, NE
Mike Raasch

Mr. Raasch is the Head Instructor of Hapkido in RWTB and is a third degree black belt. Mike’s Hapkido skills are second to none. His fine points, throws, and falls are exceptional.

Mr. Raasch works at the Learning Center in Fremont and has been an educator for most of his professional life. Mike is a great instructor with kids and adults. Mike is happily married and has been a great father and role model for his children. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Raasch as part of our organization.

If Hapkido is something that interests you, I strongly suggest taking some lessons to learn wrist locks, throws, falls and take downs from one of the most gifted martial artists in joint manipulation techniques. All our students love and respect Instructor Mike Raasch.


- Soke James Rosenbach