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here is the story of NOT BAD

Nevadans Organized To Better Address Diversity?

Nevadans Organized To Better Address Diversity
is an organization formed for the purpose of educating the public
on issues of diversity, culture, and positive community development
using the performing, visual, electronic and literary arts.

We are dedicated to bringing about an open forum for ideas and values
to be expressed, shared, and debated within the community.
This type of forum is important for developing a shared sense of community
and is vital for a healthy democracy to function.

We want to spotlight those voices which cannot be found within the mainstream media.
We hope to do this by exploring the many different facets of modern
communication technology from the written word,
to broadcasting,
to the expanded use of the internet.

We are open to all types of expression and we welcome
any submissions and assistance with any of our projects.

Let it be known that we also like to have fun.

@ 702 268 3686


NOT BAD is a collective of individuals
who are dedicated to returning freedom of speech to the airwaves.
Our goal is to create a better sense of community
for the Las Vegas valley by establishing programming
which provides an outlet for creative and community voices
that can not be found under corporate controlled media.
We will give greater access to those
who are not represented in the mainstream media.
We are committed to combating sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia, capitalism, and elitism
in our community through the healthy programming we create.

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seeks to bring good radio to the people of Las Vegas, NV by coordinating the FM-radio-minded folk so that several low-power stations can co-exist and share the same frequency in a cooperative way so that more people can have access to the airwaves.

Why Should Economically Challenged People Broadcast?

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If you wish to join the NOT BAD Collective, you must meet TWO qualifications: