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William Lawyer

The subject of this review is one of the many western men whose lives have been largely spent on the range and who in one of the most wholesome free and independent of vocations have provided well for themselves and for those dependent upon them. William F. Lawyer is a native of Pennsylvania, born in the town of Berwick of Pennsylvania, born in the town of Berwick on July 22, 1873. His father, Adam lawyer, also a native of the Keystone state is a machinist and worked at his trade in Pennsylvania until 1874 when he moved to Joliet, Illinois where for a number of years he held an important position in the Joliet Steel Works and later changed his abode to the town of Elburn, where he and his wife are living at the present time. The maiden name of Mrs. Adam Lawyer was Susan Emerick; she likewise was born and reared in Pennsylvania and is a descendant of old families of that commonwealth. The childhood and youth of William F. Lawyer were spent with his parents but at the age of fifteen he left home to make his own way in the world. In 1888 he came to Wyoming making a part of the journey on foot meeting with many interesting experiences before reaching his destination at Cheyenne. Not long after his arrival he found employment on the range and from that time until within a comparatively recent date he rode for various parties running cattle in different parts of Wyoming and other territory. In November, 1898 he took up his present ranch, eight miles east of Fort Laramie and adjoining the one owned by his cattle raising upon his own responsibility. He has made commendable progress since taking possession of his place having a large number of cattle and horses in prime condition with every prospect of continued prosperity as the years go by. His long experience on the range has made him familiar with every detail of the stock business and in all matters pertaining to cattle and horses he is considered not only an excellent judge but an unfailing authority. By close attention to his business and good management he has succeeded in placing himself in comfortable circumstances, having a surplus laid by for the proverbial “rainy day.” Which soon or later comes unto the lives of the majority of men. Mr. Lawyer is essentially a western man all his tastes and inclinations leading him to the kind of life to which his time and energies have so long been devoted. Spending his more mature years under conditions peculiar to this part of the country, he takes broad views of life and things and lays his plans in harmony of life and things and lays his plans in harmony therewith. He possesses tact and judgement in business affairs and in all transactions with which he has been connected his course has been open and straightforward his personal honor and integrity being above suspicion. By correct methods he has succeeded in his undertakings and easily ranks with the most enterprising and successful stockmen of the district in which he operates. On December 8, 1898, was solemnized the ceremony which joined Mr. lawyer and Miss Margarette Weber, daughter of John and Mary Weber in the bonds of holy wedlock. They have two children, Mary and John.

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