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William L. Connelly

A young and enterprising man of distinctive force of character and strong mentality, the subject of this review is a creditable representative of that large and progressive class of Western men whose lives and energies are devoted to the livestock industry. William L. Connelly, a son of Charles P. and Mary (Hanna) Connelly, was born near Charlestown, West Virginia, on February 15, 1868. In 1869 these parents moved to Muscatine County, Iowa, where the father lived the life of a farmer until his death, the following year. Mrs. Connelly died some years later, and was laid to rest by the side of her husband, near their home in the county of Muscatine. William L. Connelly received his educational training in the public schools in the above county, and at the early age of sixteen was obliged to rely upon his own resources for a livelihood. Actuated by a desire to seek his fortune in the great west, he started, in the spring of 1885, for Wyoming, and reaching his destination, in due time, secured employment with the management of the P. F. Cattle Ranch, on the Platte River, in Laramie County. From the above date until 1892 he rode the range in various parts of the country, working for different parties, but in the latter year took up a ranch ten miles east of Fort Laramie, where he has since been activity engaged in the livestock business, and is a large raiser of alfalfa. Mr. Connelly exercised discreet judgement in selecting his ranch, which lies in a rich and beautiful raising district, and which, with the attractive cottage, and other improvements he has since added, has greatly enhanced its value. It is now one of the most desirable places of its area in Laramie County, in many respects being an ideal home for a family of intelligence, good taste and enterprise. Mr. Connelly has succeeded well in his business undertakings, by industry and good management accumulating a comfortable competence, sufficient in fact to place him in independent circumstances, so far as any anxiety for the financial future is concerned. He is a shrewd and far-seeing businessman, in all truncations in which he has been identified his name is a synonym of manly conduct and honorable dealing. At this time he owns 400 acres, for which he has warranty deeds, and 1100 acres acquired by preempting. With this amount of real estate in his possession, all rapidly increasing in value, it is eminently proper to predict for him a career of continued prosperity. Mr. Connelly is a married man, the father of four bright and interesting children, whose names are: Catherine, Bernice, Frederick and Marion; the first born, Lawrence is not living. The maiden name of Mrs. Connelly was Grace E. Snyder, and the ceremony by which it was changed to the one she now bears was solemnized at Chadron, Nebraska, on January 31, 1892. Mrs. Connelly is the daughter of Thomas B. and Sarah J. (Spaulding) Snyder, The father being a well-known and prosperous stockman of Nebraska. In his political adherency, Mr. Connell is a pronounced Republican. While earnest in the support of his principles, he has no political aspirations, preferring the independent life he now leads to any office within the gift of the people.

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