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William Arnold

One of the leading hotel men of Laramie County and one who has met and conspicuous success in business, William Arnold of Wheatland, Wyoming was born in Ulster County, New York, on November 4, 1861, the son of John and Rachel (Frear) Arnold, His father followed the occupation of Wheelwright at Ellenville, in Ulster County until 1874, When he disposed of his property there and removed to the state of Kansas, where he established his home in Pawnee County, engaged in farming and continued in that pursuit up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1899. H was buried in the city of Larned, Kansas. The mother had passed away in 1865 while residing in New York and was buried at Ellenville, in that state. William Arnold accompanied his father from New York to Kansas, grew to manhood in the latter state, received his education in the public schools in Pawnee County and after he had completed his education remained with his father, assisting in the work and management of the farm until he had attained the age of twenty-three years. In 1884 he determined to seek his fortune in the Country farther to the north and came to the then territory of Wyoming. Here he secured employment with the Swan Land and Cattle Co., on of the largest concerns operating in the western country and went with one of their roundup outfits as a cook. He remained with this company about ten years and witnessed and was sometimes a participant in some exciting experiences on the frontier. During this time he traveled over the greater portion of Wyoming and Nebraska seeing nearly every phase of western life, both savage and civilized. In 1895 he resigned his position with this company to engage in business for himself and coming to Wheatland, Wyoming he erected a building opposite the railroad station at that place and engaged in the restaurant business. He continued with success in this occupation until 1897, when he purchased the Globe Hotel, which he now owns and conducts and then disposed of his restaurant property. In this hotel venture he has prospered exceedingly and is now the owner of the largest and best hotel in Wheatland, doing a large and profitable business. He is one of the most popular and successful landlords in the state and in order to accommodate his growing patronage has recently had plans drawn for an extensive addition to his hotel. By his energy perseverance and enterprise he has built up a large and constantly growing business and is one of the representative businessmen of Laramie County. Foremost in every measure calculated to promote the general welfare, he is one of the most valued citizens of the community. On January 3, 1895, Mr. Arnold was united in marriage, at Cheyenne, Wyoming to Miss Zelnora Carmichael, a native of Nebraska, and the daughter of William H. and Jane (Bowen) Carmichael, the former a native of Ohio, and the latter of Iowa. Her father came in early life from his native state to Nebraska where he engaged in farming during the territory days of that state. In 1859 he disposed of his property in Nebraska, went across the plains to California and there engaged in mining for a number of years. In 1870 he disposed of the property he had acquire in California and returned to Nebraska, where he again followed the occupation of farming until 1890. When he removed his residence to Wyoming, settled on the Laramie River, and engaged in the business of raising cattle up to the time of his death, which occurred in May 1900. The mother is still residing upon the ranch on Laramie River, continuing the business of cattleraising, which her husband established. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have four children, Eunice L, Cecil, Harry H., and William all of whom are living. The family are members of the Congregational church held in the highest esteem. Mr. Arnold is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and with the Woodmen of the World, being a member of the lodges at Wheatland, Wyoming. He is a stanch member of the Republican Party and an earnest advocate of the pr9nciples of that political organization. He has often been solicited by his party friends and associates to become a candidate for positions of trust and honor, but has invariably declined to do so preferring to give his entire time and attention to the care and management of his private business interests. He is one of the most progressive and enterprising citizens of his section of the state and is deservedly popular.

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