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Soren Yensen

At the present a prominent resident of Granite, Wyoming and a native of the Kingdom of Denmark having been born in that country on February 27, 1857. Soren Yensen is the son of Yen Erickson and Kirsten Yensen both natives of Denmark. His father followed the occupation of black smithing in his native country until his death, which occurred in 1883. His mother is still living and resides in Denmark. The subject of this sketch grew to man’s estate and received his early education in the schools of his native country and after he had finished his school days he also learned the trade of black smithing and remained at home at work with his father until he had attained the age to twenty years. He then engaged in business for himself following his trade in various cities of Denmark until 1881. In that year he took passage for America when in the city of New York he immediately secured employment at his trade thereafter visiting several places in the Empire state and finally locating at Mechanicsville in that state. Here he followed black-smithing until the fall of 1883 when he removed to Cheyenne, Wyoming. There he worked at his trade for a short time and in the next winter took up a ranch near a place owned by his brother, near Granite. He remained there until the spring of 1884 when he formed a co-partnership with his brother and they engaged in cattle raising at the ranch property where the subject now makes his residence. The brothers conducted this business jointly for a number of years with great success. Soren, in 1890 purchasing his brother’s interest. Since that time he has carried on the business in his own name meeting with substantial success and he is now one of the large individual owners of cattle in his section of country having a fine ranch of some 2,800 acres of land well fenced and improved. On June 13, 1889 Mr. Yensen was united in marriage at the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming, with Miss Christiana Yensen, also a native of Denmark and a daughter of Yens Larson and Karen Yensen, both natives of Denmark. The father of Mrs. Yensen was a farmer in Denmark and followed that occupation up to the time of his death in 1884. They have seven children, Arthur Nels, John E., Clara, Martha, Matilda, Viggo and Esther, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Yensen are members of the Lutheran church and take a sincere interest in all church and charitable work in the community where they maintain their comfortable home. Politically Mr. Yensen is identified with the Democratic Party a stanch supporter of that organization taking a prominent part in public affairs. The habits of thrift and industry, which he learned in childhood in his native country, have attended him through his life and have materially contributed to the success, which he has made in all of his business undertakings. He is a hard working earnest and successful man and is building up a fine property. He enjoys the respect and esteem of his neighbors and of all who come in contact with him.

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