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R. L. Preator

R. L. Preator, of Burlington, Wyoming head of the mercantile house of Preator & Griffin, which is one of the best known and most imposing commercial institutions in this part of Bighorn County, this state is a pioneer of 1890 in Wyoming and in all respects a product of the Northwest. He was born on August 27m 1857 in Utah whither his parents Richard and Mary (Harper) Preator came from their native England a year preceding his birth. His father became prominent and influential in the Mormon Church and is now one of the council of the Seventy in its government. He lives at Independence in the state of Missouri. His wife died in Utah on February 28, 1878 and was buried in that state. R. L. Preator was reared in his native state and received a limited education in its public schools. On leaving school he learned the blacksmith’s trade and for a number of years worked at it in connection with work in the mines and the quartz mills. He then went to Nevada and was employed on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad until 1883 when he removed to Cassia County, Idaho and remained there seven years engaged in farming. In 1890 he came to Wyoming and settled in Star Valley and on September 5, 1893, located in the Bighorn basin on the land which is now his highly improved ranch and adjoins the town site of Burlington. On this place he has since been occupied with a growing farming and stock industry and aiding in building up and developing the town and surrounding country. He was the first postmaster at Burlington holding the office five years. In 1899 he opened a mercantile establishment in the town and conducted it for a short time, then sold it and engaged in railroad construction under contract building the road into the Bighorn basin. In 1902 he formed a partnership with Henry Griffin and they purchased the merchandising business in which they are now jointly engaged. They carry a large stock of general merchandise and supply the wants of a large and appreciative trade throughout an extensive range of country. Mr. Preator also owns 320 acres of excellent land and a considerable part of the town site of Burlington. He is active in local public affairs and in the council and work of the Church of the Latter Day Saints. In this organization he belongs to the order of the high priesthood and has rendered in many ways signal service to the interest of the church. On February 1, 1884, he was married in Cassia County, Idaho to Miss Margaret McIntosh, and a native of Utah. They have nine children living, Rodney, Ray, Alice, Sarah, Eugene, Theresa, Joseph, Wallace and Maude. Mr. Preator is one of the leading citizens of Burlington and is highly respected by all classes of the people of his own and adjoining counties.

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