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Philemon E. DuSault

Philemon E. Du Sault, county clerk of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, was born in 1866 at Three Rivers in the province of Quebec, Canada, a son of Remi and Anna (Lottinville) Du Sault. Remi Du Sault, also a native of Three Rivers, was a farmer until 1867, when he was appointed to a position in the Royal Mail serv-ice, which he still retains at the age of sixty-one, making his residence at Montreal. His wife was born at Riviere de Loup, now Louiseville, Canada but died when her son Philemon was but five years old. Her parents were reared in the Catholic Church, but her father left that communion and followed Rev. Chiniquy, who emigrated and founded a colony at Bourbon-nais, Ill., and removing his family to that place he there passed the remainder of his life. Philemon Du Sault received his education in the schools of Quebec, Canada, and when he was eighteen years of age removed to St. Anne, Ill., but only, remained there two or three months, then went to Chicago for a short time, from there to Aberdeen, S. D., at which place he “went broke,” but nothing daunted he tramped nearly five hundred miles across the plains to Buffalo, Wyo., and when he reached the town sat on the steps of the First National Bank of Buffalo, Wyo., to rest. While sitting there he was approached by L. H. Parker, foreman of a large cattle ranch, who inquired into his condi-tion, gave him employment and advanced funds for his immediate necessities. Mr. Du Sault be-gan work for him on July 4, 1886, and remained in his employ three years. He then removed to Green River and engaged with the Union Pacific Railroad as a clerk, and continuing in that service until 1894, when he accepted a place in the clerical department of the Rock Springs Coal Co. In 1895 this company was absorbed by the Sweetwater Mining Co., for which Mr. Du Sault acted as traveling salesman for two or three years and then again went into the employ of the Union Pacific, remaining with that Company, until he assumed the duties of county clerk of Sweetwater county in 1899, an office he still holds and in which his services have been of material advantage to the county and have been highly appreciated. In fraternal rela-tions Mr. Du Sault is identified with the Ma-sonic order holding membership in the lodge at Rock Springs, the chapter and commandery at Green River and the mystic shrine at Raw-lins. On June 20, 1894, he was joined in marriage with Miss Annie Jones, a native of Frank-lin, Idaho, and a daughter of Daniel and Min-nie (Clarkson) Jones, natives of Wales. Her father died in 1900, and was buried at Rock Springs, where his widow still lives and where the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Du Sault was solemnized. They have one child, Donald Dud-ley Du Sault, whose presence adds sunshine to their pleasant home.

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