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Osborne Low

Bishop Osborne Low, whose services to his church in exalted stations have been long continued and are much appreciated in this county, is a native of Bear Lake County, Idaho, where he was born on April 1, 1865, a son of Sylvester and Anna A. (Paton) Low, natives of Scotland, who came to Utah in 1856 while living in that state the father was a miler and merchant. He was prominent in the affairs of the church, serving as clerk of the stake and in the order of the high priesthood. The mother was a daughter of Thomas and Jacobina (Osborne) Paton and with her husband she is now living at their home in the province of Alberta, Canada. The bishop is one of a family of fourteen children, of whom eleven are living and all married. He was educated in the district schools of Cache County, Utah and when he left school engaged in farming in that state until 1890, when he sold out there and came to his present location in Wyoming near Afton in Star Valley. Here he has conducted a prosperous and expanding business in ranching and stockgrowing, handling business in ranching and stockgrowing handling graded and registered Holsteins principally and furnishing milk to the Burton creamery. He owns a fine farm of 120 acres near the town, which he has improved, and a good brick residence having nine rooms one of the best in the neighborhood and being the second brick house erected in this valley. He is a man of great enterprise and takes an active interest in everything pertaining to the improvement of the community. He was one of the promoters of the woolen mill recently erected at Afton and gives his hearty and serviceable aid to every good enterprise. As a member of the board of education he has given inspiration to the school forces and breadth and vigor of bishop already covers eight years of active work five at Freedom and three at Afton, and for some time he has been in the high priesthood. He is a, man of restless energy and industry; fond of work and fond of association with the progressive people around him especially the young. For a time he acted as leader of a band and made application for articles of incorporation to secure its more perfect and efficient organization. On December 1, 1887, in Utah the bishop was married to Miss Sylvia Merrill born and reared in that state, a daughter of George G. and Alice (Smith) Merrill, natives of New York who came to Utah in 1852. She died in her native state on January 8, 1889 leaving one child, Alice A., who died in July of the same year aged seven months and nineteen days. One November 8, 1894, the bishop contracted another marriage in Utah his choice on this occasion being Miss Mary A. Kennington, who was born in Idaho the daughter of William H. and Annie R. (Seward) Kennington natives of England but now living at Afton of whom specific mention is made on other pages of this work. Mr. and Mrs. Low have four children Osborne, Jr., Jennie, Bessie and Wanda.

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