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M. H. Murphy

One of the most active and progressive citizens of Albany County, Wyoming, is M. H. Murphy, a resident of Laramie, who is a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1845, the son of John and Helen (Howard) Murphy, natives of Ireland. The father emigrated from his native when a small boy and resided first in the city of New York, and later in Pennsylvania, where he engaged in farming during his active life dying there in 1845, the year of the birth of his son, M. H. Murphy. The mother also in Pennsylvania passed all the years of her active life where she was married. She survived her husband for many years and died in 1888, being buried at Binghamton, N. Y. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in his native state, and received his early education in its public schools. At the early age of fifteen years he left home and secured employment in the lumbering business, in which he continued for a number of years in Pennsylvania. Leaving the state of his nativity in 1847 he came to the then territory of Wyoming; this was in the early days of civilization, and he was among the first band of pioneers within its lowly borders. Securing employment on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, the being constructed through that country, he remained in its employment for a number of years. In 1871 he came to Laramie, Wyoming, and soon thereafter established himself as a wholesale and retail liquor dealer, in which business he has continued to the present writing (1902). From the first he prospered and is now numbered one of the substantial property owners of Laramie. Ever foremost in matters of public enterprise, law-abiding and energetic, he has the respect of all classes of people, and is one of the best citizens of the community where he maintains his home. In 1873, Mr. Murphy was united in marriage with Miss May Fee, a native of Ireland who came to America with her parents from their native country when a small child. She died on May 30, 1898, and was buried at Laramie. Seven children were born to bless the home life of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, namely: Thomas, deceased; Kate; Nellie; James; Edward; John and George. This Worthy couple were exceptionally happy in their home, which was a center for a generous and kindly hospitality which they delighted to dispense to their large circle of friends. Politically, Mr. Murphy is a stanch adherent of the Democratic Party and his life has been active and prominent in the councils of that political organization. Before the admission of Wyoming as a state he served one term in the Territorial Legislative Assembly, there making a most creditable record. Fraternally, he belongs to the Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks and also to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, taking an enthusiastic interest in all measures calculated to promote the fraternal life of Laramie and being a prominent and a representative citizen.

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