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Jesse J. McCarell

Born in the Northwest since the close of the Civil War and reared and educated in this section of the country and having passed almost all of the productive period of his life in the cattle business, Jesse J. McCarell, of near Otto in bighorn County, is a product and a representative of the era of peaceful conquest and subjugation which has come upon our country, and of the region in which it has won its noblest and most extensive triumphs as well as of the line of fruitful activity which is one of the leading industries of that region. He is a pioneer of 1882 in Wyoming but was born in Nevada on January 14, 1868. His parents, Jesse and Fannie (Clift) McCarell, were natives of New York and Maryland, respectively and were early settlers in Nevada. Their son, Jesse received a limited education in his native state and when he was only twelve years old he came to Wyoming and started in life as a range rider in the vast cattle business of the territory. He followed this invigorating but exacting and dangerous occupation for seven years in various places and in 1887 came to the Bighorn basin and continued it in that prolific and favored portion of the state being engaged in it there until 1895. In that year he took up land near Burlington and started a cattle business for himself. He has 280 acres of land on which he has made extensive and valuable improvements and conducts a thriving industry in raising stock and general farming running about 100 head of fine cattle and a large number of high-grade horses. He also carried on a mercantile enterprise at Otto With success and profit and has mining properties of value and productiveness in various localities. On February 24, 1900, Mr. McCarell was united in marriage with Mrs. Hannah Crandal, a native of Massachusetts, but at the time of the marriage a resident of Burlington, where the ceremony was preformed. They have one child, their son, Jesse Jr. While conducting his numerous businesses interests with success and vigor, Mr. McCarell has not been inattentive to the claims of the community on his time and energies. He has manifested a deep and serviceable interest in the welfare and progress of his neighborhood and county, and has given without stint his active support to all movements, which he has considered worthy and likely to aid in promoting the general wealth. He has also conducted himself in all the relations of life so as to secure and retain the confidence and high regard of his fellow men wherever he is known and the respect of the general public throughout the state.

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