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Mrs. Jennie Wallace

The subject of this sketch is the widow of Otis Wallace, who was long a prominent ranch and stockman, residing about twenty-five miles southeast of Laramie, Wyoming, where Mrs. Wallace now resides, engaged in conducting a successful and prosperous stock business. Otis Wallace was a native of Nova Scotia, where he was born in 1853, being the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bennett) Wallace, both natives of Nova Scotia, where he grew to manhood and received his early education. When he had arrived at the age of nineteen years, he made the long journey across the continent from the home of his youth in Nova Scotia to Box Elder, Colo., Where he remained for a short time, and then came to Dale Creek, Wyo., where he purchased a ranch, on which he engaged in the business of raising cattle. In 1885 he was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Williams, purchased the ranch now occupied by the widow, and there continued in the successful management of his expanding cattle business. In 1886 he was taken suddenly ill of a disease from which he died soon after, leaving the fine ranch property to the widow, Mrs. Jennie Wallace. She also is a native of Nova Scotia, where she was born in 1855, the daughter of Patrick and Mary Ann Williams. The father was also a native of Nova Scotia, born in 1812. He resided in his native country, engaged in farming up to the time of his decease, which occurred in 1891, and lies buried in Nova Scotia. He was the son of John and Fannie (Hays) Williams, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter born in the United States: The mother of Mrs. Wallace was a native of Nova Scotia, born in 1819. She was married in 1837, passed away from earth in 1893, and was buried in her native country. She was the daughter of John and Mary (Fenton) Wallace, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of London, England. She was a remarkable woman and the mother of thirteen children, of whom ten are now living, Mrs. Wallace being her ninth child. Mr. Wallace was an active and prominent member of the Republican party, and took a leading part in public affairs. Had he survived, his conspicuous ability would have given him a prominent place both in the business and political life of the community where he maintained his home. His untimely death deprived the state of a valued citizen, and the business world of one who would have made his mark as a successful manager of large business enterprises. The fine property which he left has been largely added to by his widow since his decease, and she has proved herself a competent and able business woman. She enjoys the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances, being one of the substantial property owners of her section.

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