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Ira U. Waters

For nearly ten years Ira U. Waters one of the leading merchants of Bighorn County, Wyoming having a fine mercantile establishment at Lovell, where he is also postmaster has been a resident of Wyoming and actively identified with its progress and development. He has become firmly fixed in the regard and esteem of the people of the county as a good business man and an enterprising and public spirited citizen a capable and accommodating public official and an entertaining and genial addition to the social life of the community. Mr. Waters was born on August 24, 1866 in the state of Ohio where his parents Randolph and Martha (Tracy) Waters were also born and reared. He grew to manhood and was educated in his native state and in 1887 when he was twenty-one he moved west to Nebraska locating sixteen miles to the west of Omaha where he engaged in farming and raising stock two lines of industry which he had learned on his father’s farm. For a period of seven years he followed these occupations in that state then in 1894 came to Wyoming where he took up his residence on a homestead four miles below Lowell in Bighorn County and there he was engaged in raising stock and farming until 1900. In that year he opened a general store at Lovell and soon after was appointed postmaster. He is still caring on the mercantile business and filling the office doing both with great credit to himself and satisfaction to his patrons and those of the office. His stock of merchandise is extensive and complete and is thoroughly down to date in every particular being chosen with an excellent judgement based on a through knowledge of the wants and the taste of the community and also with a view to keeping the latter up to a high standard as well as fully satisfying the former. In addition to his merchandising enterprise Mr. Waters still owns his fine ranch of 320 acres and has on it a large herd of well-bred cattle although he does not personally conduct the business there. In fraternal circles he holds membership in the order of Modern Woodmen of America belonging to the lodge of the order at Basin, Wyoming. On May 7, 1890 in Nebraska he was married to Miss Lillie Becker a native of Iowa. They have four children, Orlan, Leslie, Merlin and Leatha. Leaving home without anything in the way of worldly wealth and since then having had none of fortune’s favors except health and strength to make a good use of the opportunities which has clearness of vision revealed to him whatever Mr. Waters has accumulated in property is the legitimate fruits of his own energy and thrift. Devoting himself with zeal and fidelity to the promotion of the best interests of his neighborhood and county the place he has attained in the good will and regard of his fellow men has been won by honest service to his people cheerfully rendered which is by no means predicated and by an elevation of purpose and integrity of character that are although commendable.

  • Found in 1880 Census living Washington, Brown County, Ohio.

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