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Ira G. Mason

Ira G. Mason of the firm of Mason and Son prominent and successful stock growers on Buffalo Creek, not far from the town of Thermopolis, although in Bighorn County, is a pioneer of 1890 in Wyoming and a native of Oregon, where he was born on September 11, 1874. His parents are Levi and Narcissa (Rowe) mason, the former born in Illinois and coming from that state to Oregon when he was a boy, crossing the plains with ox teams in 1849. In Oregon he was reared and educated and there he was married to Miss Rowe, a native of the state. He engaged in farming and lumbering in Oregon until 1878, then removed to Pullman in the state of Washington where he again engaged in farming following this vocation until 1890. In that year he sold his interest in Washington and came to Wyoming. He located at Otto and opened a general merchandising establishment in association with his son as a partner. In 1902 they determined to give up merchandising, sold their goods and interests in this line, took up land on Buffalo Creek and returned to the stock industry as a business. They have now 360 acres of land and an average of 150 head of fine cattle. The land is improved with good buildings, fences, etc. and the portions under cultivation are cultivated with skill and diligence rewarding the toil of the husbandman with abundant crops of the usual farm products in this portion of the state. Ira G. Mason the junior partner in the firm was educated in the public schools of Washington and leaving the state when he was sixteen he then abandoned his school the opportunity for a mercantile career in partnership with his father having been offered to him. Previous to entering upon this however he took a special course of training for it at the Gem City Business College at Quincy, from which he was graduated in 1897, He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, while his father belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Mason has demonstrated that he has fine business capacity with active enterprise commendable public spirit and breadth of view. He is earnestly interested in the development and progress of his county and state and active in behalf of any project for furthering their interests as he is in any movement for the benefit and advancement of the great industry with which he is connected in a business way. The firm of L. H. Mason & Son is one of the mercantile and industrial institutions of the county whose rank in the commercial world is deservedly high whose name is as familiar as household words throughout this part of the country. Its business is conducted on an elevated plane of integrity and progressiveness wand with a spirit of courtesy and consideration toward its numerous patrons.

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