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Frank J. Murta

This energetic and properous business man of Uinta County has been long identified with varying phases of the industrial elements which combine to form the prosperity of the state of Wyoming and from his business ability his close connection with progressive movements and his strong personal popularity, he well merits consideration in this work. Mr. Murta was born in 1847, in Cincinnati, Ohio the son of Patrick J. and Alice (Ward) Murta, the father being a native of Belfast, Ireland, where the mother was born in 1824, the daughter of Patrick and Catherine Ward, who were natives of Belfast. Patrick J. Murta was a contractor in Ireland and after his emigration he followed this occupation in New Orleans and Cincinnati until the time of the Civil War, when he enlisted in the U. S. Heavy Artillery and gave honorable service until the return of peace thereafter resuming contracting operations in Cincinnati until 1867 when coming to Omaha he filled railroad contracts until 1869 when he took up land on Bear River, Wyoming and engaged in successful ranching and he is now living a retired life in Montana. He was well educated being a close and diligent reader of scientific books and other literature and was and is a very popular individual. Frank J. Murta had good educational advantages in Ohio and at the age of eighteen commenced life on a Wyoming ranch taking up a preemption claim and engaging in raising a high grade of cattle and horses. This he continued with satisfaction and good financial results until 1894, when he changed the nature of his business activity from cattle raising to merchandising, locating in Kemmerer, Wyoming where he is prosecuting a business that will ultimately according to present indications become of great scope and importance as he is a popular dealer and citizen being held in the highest esteem. He is an active and influential member of the Republican Party and fraternally one of the Eagles. His first wife Sarah Bartlett a native of Iowa and daughter of George and Jane Bartlett, whom he married in 1878, died at the age of twenty-seven years, leaving but three children. Alice, Nettie and Frank; and in 1900 Mr. Murta wedded Miss Hannah Morgan a native of Wales. Mr. Murta stands well in all classes of the community and is a public-spirited gentleman.

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