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Delwin C. Burdick

Delwin C. Burdick, of Meriden, Laramie County, Wyoming, is a native of Walworth county, Wisconsin, having been born in that section of the great Middle West on December 27, 1856, the son of Edwin and Mary (Carpenter) Burdick, both natives of New York. His father was a physician who emigrated from the Empire State in 1840 to the Badger State and settled in the city of Walworth and engaged in the practice of his profession. He was one of the very earliest of the pioneers of that section of Wisconsin, and took a prominent part in the upbuilding of that frontier country. He remained at the beautiful little city of Walworth in an active medical practice up to the time of his death in 1870. The mother passed away from earth at Walworth in 1858, when her son Delwin was only two years of age and both his parents were buried in Walworth county. Mr. Burdick remained in attendance upon the public schools of Walworth, county until the death of his father in 1870, when at the age of thirteen years he removed to Minnesota and lived with relatives in that state for two years, going then to Rock county, Wis., where he attended the public schools, but being compelled to leave school at an early age, he secured employment in a feedmill for four years, but in 1880, desiring to engage in busi-ness for himself he left Wisconsin for the Black Hills of South Dakota, where he engaged in mining for about one year with little success. The following year he returned to his early Wisconsin home and again secured employment in a feedmill and remained engaged in that business for about two years. In the spring of the year of 1883, having determined to enter upon a field of endeavor where there would be suitable rewards for his industry and effort, where he would have an opportunity to establish himself in an independent business and to acquire a competency, he proceeded to the territory of Wyoming, where amid the more favorable conditions of a new country he hoped to acquire a fortune. Here he took up the ranch which he still, owns and occupies, on Bear Creek, about fifty miles northeast of Cheyenne, and at once embarked in the business of cattle raising. Beginning in a small way he has added to his operations from year to year and by careful attention to business and persistent effort he has overcome every difficulty which he encountered, and is now the owner of a fine ranch of 480 acres of patented land, which is well stocked and in a prosperous condition. On November, 16, 1889, at the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., he was united in marriage with Mrs. Lilly A. Burke, a native of Connecticut and the daughter of the Rev. W. N. Dunham, a native of Vermont, but now residing in the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., having been a resident there since 1898. Mr. Burdick is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, being affiliated with the lodge at LaGrange, while Mrs. Burdick is an active member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, most earnest and devoted in all matters connected with church and charitable work.

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