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Daniel Weller

Daniel Weller was born and reared on a farm in Michigan and amid its various duties and the freedom of air and opportunity for self-dependence which the life afforded he acquired the health of body and the resoluteness self reliance and readiness for emergency that have been a large part of his capital in the battle of life. He was primarily educated in the public schools of his native county finishing his course however and getting the most practical part of his education in the school of experience and active effort. When he was eighteen years old he assumed the care and responsibility of his own career and since then he has made his own way in the world without the aid of adventitious circumstances or of fortune’s favor. For six years he was occupied with various pursuits in his native state. Michigan, whither his parents, Daniel and Rowena Weller, came from New York where they were born and reared, becoming a part of the army of occupation and conquest that has conquered that state from the wilderness and made it great and prosperous. In 1877 he sought the frontier as his parents had done in their day then coming to Wyoming and locating at Lander. He took up land in that vicinity and at once began to improve it and enlarged a stock industry, which he started on it in small dimensions. Here he remained until 1882 making substantial progress but longing for a more active life with quicker returns for his labor. In 1882 he came to Meeteetse Creek and erected a sawmill the first ever put up and operated in the Bighorn basin. After a few years of close attention to the lumbering business he sold his outfit in this line and homesteading on Wood River again engaged in Stock-raising and farming Carrying on the industry until 1899. He then moved to Meeteetse and opened and conducted the first restaurant in the place, keeping his ranch however, which he still owns and continuing his operations in stock. In 1902 at Meeteetse he built and furnished the Weller House a fine two story steam heated brick hotel and from its very opening he has been 9ts proprietor and manager. In this capacity he has demonstrated his wisdom of choice of occupation being one of the popular and highly esteemed landlords of this portion of the state a favorite with the traveling public and also with those modern knights-errant the commercial travelers. In connection with his hotel he has a large and well appointed livery and feed barn which is also of decided popularity in the community and the best of its kind within a wide extent of country. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is active and Zealous in loyalty to his lodge. He was married in Lander in 1882 to Miss Mary L. Trenholm, a native of Illinois. They have three children, Mabel, Homer and George.

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