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Max Force Gear

Max Force guns to look for reviewed in this section

This is the Nerf Max Force line of guns. Max Force's gun, the Razor Beast, was the first fully automatic nerf gun ever made. And not a bad gun at that. And they also had some other cool ideas like the Eagle Eye with it's red light, and the Manta Ray, the first ever nerf gun to be a shield, AND a blaster. Max Force also came out with the first semi-automatic gun, the Mad Hornet. This was possibly the most anticipated nerf gun ever made. A good idea, but a not so great overall gun.

Max Force also came out with the crappiest nerf gun ever made in my oppinion, the Coral Viper, with an opptimal distance of maybe 5 feet, 7 if you're lucky, and they also came out with guns like the Gator and the Iron Raptor, both major disapointments. On the bright side, they also came out with a few decent guns like the Rattler, the Saw Tooth, and the Stinging Scarab.

Overall, the Max Force line is decent.

Nerf Warriors links

back to the main page
Gun Review: Razor Beast
Gun Review: Eagle Eye
Gun Review: Manta Ray
Gun Review: Mad Hornet
Gun Review: Saw Tooth
Gun Review: Stinging Scarab
Gun Review: Rattler
Gun Review: Iron Raptor
Gun Review: Gator
Gun Review: Coral Viper
