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 SuperS synopsis

  SuperS is the fourth season of Bisouhjo Senshi Sailor Moon. It is named like that because in that season the inner senshi are upgraded to super senshi (Usagi had that ability since the end of SMS but now it's permanent) by the power of the golden crystal. Many people say that SuperS is the worst season of Sailor Moon. Well, i don't think so. I must admit that it's a little boring in the beginning (if it weren't for the Amazon Trio it would be VERY boring) but it gets much better towards
the middle. And it's certainly not the worst season! In my opinion it ranks second (after SM).

  The strongest weapon of SuperS is the characters it introduces. Of course I'm referring to the new villains who are trully adorable (yeah, yeah i know there's also Helios but...). The self-esteem of the Trio, the fun of the Quartet, the beauty of Neherenia, all these make the season worth viewing.

  The music and sound in general are better than those of the previous seasons but still don't reach the level of Sailor Stars.

  The drawing and animation is almost excellent (because excellent goes to Sailor Stars). Everybody looks great (even Zirconia) and both the senshi and the bad guys are painted with bright colors. The background is colored the same way
as in SMS: it's a little blunt as if it is trying to center all attention to the characters.

  The storyline is good although in times viewers are getting lost a bit. Having watched the whole season about ten million times I still have many questions (i.e. why do Neherenia, Zirconia and all of the Amazon Trio have elf-like ears but
the Quartet girls have normal?).

  Not everything is normal in SuperS. On the contrary, it is the weirdest SM season. Just take a look at the bad guys' clothes and jewelery. There are also the creatures of the Circus who look VERY bizzare, not to mention all those twisted things they say.

  Some very popular characters make their last appearance in SuperS: it's the big "adieu" for Umino, Naru, Yuichirou and Rei's grandpa. The outer senshi don't appear at all in this season (well they've had their fun in SMS).

  So what's going on in SuperS? Here is a quick summary:

  The SuperS story begins 1000 years ago, at the time when the Silver Millenium was thriving. Neherenia, queen of a small dark planet (or is it asteroid?) was jealously watching the prosperity of the Moon Kingdom and decided, evil as she
was, to destroy it. Her plan got a little fucked up and Queen Serenity succeeded in locking away Neherenia in the darkness of the new moon. There she remained for a thousand years, enough time for her to master the powers of shadows and darkness. Using her powers, she attacks Elysion and captures Helios'
body but not his spirit which found refuge in the dreams of a young maiden (this is ChibiUsa). At this point the episodes of SuperS begin.
  In the first episode (#128) we are introduced to the new characters. During a total eclipse a gigantic circus tent falls from the sky in the middle of Tokyo. No one seems to notice it, x-ept form Usagi, but she's not really interested in finding
out how did that happen. The circus is apparently the villains' headquarters. Zirconia, a very old man who seems to be the leader, orders his three henchmen (this is the Amazon Trio) to find Pegasus. The Amazon Trio attack various people (which one way or another are connected to the senshi) but fail
to find Pegasus. As time goes by, questions are born inside the their minds (e.g. Since we have enough power to take over Earth, what do we need Pegasus for?) and they begin to have feelings too. Fish Eye accidentally discovers Sailormoon's identity but when he is ordered to check her dream mirror refuses to do it because he has befriended Usagi (and he's also in love with Mamoru). Zirconia then sends Hawks Eye and when the other two also arrive at the scene old-Zio spawns a lemure who kills them all. The Trio revived later. At that episode Neherenia makes her first appearance behind a mirror. It is she that commands Zirconia.
  Since the Trio are dead, Zirconia calls forth the Amazoness Quartet who continue the Trio's job but also fail to find Pegasus. Neherenia is growing tired of all the failures and uses her dark powers to cover the whole city with spider webs. Mamoru falls sick and the senshi understand (finally!) that the odd circus tent is the evil's sourceand prepare for the final battle. Inside the circus ChibiMoon is captured and brought to the dimension where Neherenia is imprisoned while the other senshi fight Zirconia. When the senshi win, old-Zio asks for the Quartet's help but when they come to help him he betrays them and starts to suck their energy. With a little help from the senshi the Amazoness break free. Meanwhile, Neherenia extracts the golden crystal from Helios' horn and uses its power to
break Serenity's spell which has kept her locked up for such a long time. Using the golden crystal she blasts the senshi who look hopeless. At the most critical moment he Amazoness replace the crystal with a pineapple (!) and give the real gem to Sailormoon. However, she is not strong enough to activate it alone and only when Chibimoon asks from the people of Earth to help her does the crystal releases
its power destroying the circus.
  On a large piece of rock which used to be part of the circus Neherenia who now looks very old is holding an unconscious Chibimoon. The rock begins to ascend towards a dark moon. Sailormoon climbs up at the last moment and finds Neherenia. The queen apologises that all she wanted was to be young forever and explains how her magic mirror took her over. She also adds that she will soon be again imprisoned since the golden crystal reactivated the spell. With that she drops Chibimoon. Sailormoon immediately jumps behind her and reaches her but both keep falling with enormous speed. Finally, Chibimoon regains consciousness and asks Helios to help them. He gives them wings and both land safely (all this fall scene is one of the best moments of Sailor Moon I.M.O.).

  Well, that's all folks. I you're looking for details check out the summaries section.