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Many people misunderstand what Wicca is. It is the 8th largest religion. We do not worship Satan. We harm no one. In fact, our number one rule-The Wiccan Rede-states basically that as long as it doesn't harm anyone then do what you will and that if you do harm someone, the harm will be returned to you three fold (3 times).

The following is excerts from the U.S. Chaplains Handbook. The full content can be found at the following web site--

Wiccan worship groups (covens)are essentially autonomous. Wicca is also known as witchcraft, goddess worshippers, Neo-Paganism, Paganism, Norse Paganism, Earth Religion, Old Religion, Druidism, and Shamanism.

Wicca is a reconstruction of the Nature worship of tribal Europe, strongly influenced by the Nature worship traditions of tribal people in other parts of the world. There are an estimated 50,000 Wiccans in the United States alone.

Wiccans worship the sacred as emminent in Nature, often personified as Mother Earth and Father Sky. It is very important to be aware that Wiccans do not in any way worship or believe in Satan, the Devil, or any similar entities.

Most Wiccan groups do practice magic, by which they mean the direction and use of "phychic energy", those natural but invisible forces which surround all living things. Some members spell the word "magick" to distinguish it from the slight of hand entertainments. Wiccans employ such means as dance, chant, creative visualization and hypnosis to focus and direct psychic energy for the purpose of healing, protecting and aiding members in various endeavors. Many, but not all, Wiccans believe in reincarnation.

Because of the basic Nature orientation of the religion, many Wiccans will regard all living things as Sacred and show a special concern for ecological issues. Wiccans celebrate eight festivals,called "Sabbats" as a means of attunement to the seasonal rhythms of Nature.