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*Ea / Enki - "Lord of Incantations". Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of wisdom and magic. Invoke for fertility, manifestation magic.

*Ebisu - The Japanese god who represents the wealth of the sea, and patron of all that is related to fishing, especially fishermen. Also the god of labor. He is sometimes mentioned as the son of Daikoku, who represents the wealth of the earth. Ebisu was worshipped in the coastal region near Osaka (where his temple was located) and was portrayed with a fish and a fishing rod. He is one of the seven Shichi Fukujin. Anything found on the beach may be Ebisu, even a ghost or its corpse.

*Eblis (Mohammedan) - god of fire. Also Haris.

*Edain - The Celtic goddess who is associated with horseback-riding. She is probably equivalent to the Gaulish goddess Epona.

*Edda (Norse) - the goddess of myth and oral history and the inspiration of poets. From her came those who work the land.

*Egeria (Roman) - a goddess of healing springs, wisdom, human laws and death. She was the Oak-Queen and granter of easy deliveries.

*Ehecatl (Aztec) - the god of the winds. He begins the movement of the sun and sweeps the high roads of the rain god with his breath. As another form of the great Quetzalcoatl he brings life to all that is lifeless.

*Eir - ("mercy") is a minor Norse goddess of healing. She knew the secret powers of herbs, with which she could even resurrect the dead. She taught the art of healing only to women, who, in ancient Scandinavia, were the only physicians. Eir is a companion of the goddess Frigg.

*Eirene - Greek goddess of peace and wealth. Her symbols include the cornucopia, the olive branch, corn ears on her head, and Herme's staff. Also known as Pax.

*Ek Ahau - Mayan war god.

*Ek Chuah - Mayan scorpion god, patron of traveling merchants and cacao planters, god of war. Concerned himself primarily with those who died in battle. Participants were not allowed to get drunk at his festival as they did at others. He is often called God M.

*Ekchuah - The Mayan fierce and violent god of war, associated with fallen warriors. He is also the patron of merchants and hence was portrayed carrying a sack of merchandise on his back. He is represented as a black man with a black-rimmed eye, a hanging lower lip and a scorpion tail. Ekchuah is the so-called 'God M'. His name means "black war chief".

*Ekibiogami - The Japanese god of epidemic diseases such as plague and pestilence.

*Elaine (Celtic) - (Lily-Maid) was a virgin goddess of beauty and the moon. She was the matron of road-building and a loveable leader of hosts.

*Elelogap - In service to both Agaliarept and Taralimal. Controls water.

*Eligor - Grand Duke. A military spirit. Knight in full accoutrements. Returns lost things, grants love & teaches military knowledge. 4th hour of the night. Rules 6 chiefs and 6 subalterns As Ertrael, he was one of the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.

*Elli - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of old age who beat Thor in a wrestling match.

*Elpis - Greek god of hope who stood over Eros holding a lily.

*Elves - Originally a supernatural dwarfish being of Germanic mythology, possessed of magical powers which it used for the good or ill of mankind. Later the name was used for a malignant imp, and then for FAIRY creatures that dance on the grass in the full moon, such as a mountain fay or, usually, as a small sprite; mischievous elves are thought to bring evil, especially bad dreams.

*Emma-O (Japanese) - Japanese god of the underworld. Depicted wearing a judge's cap and holding a mace. He judged the souls of the males. If the sinner was "saved" through prayer, they would be allowed to pass on to paradise or be reincarnated on earth. Symbolizes destruction, death, and revenge.

*Emutet - Egyptian cobra-headed goddess of the harvest and agriculture.

*Enipeus - A river god from Thessaly. He was loved by Tyro, who was mislead by Poseidon in Enipeus' shape. From their union Neleus and Pelias came forth.

*Enlil - Near Eastern (Sumerian) god of the earth and air. His gift to mankind was the pickaxe, which gave them the ability to build or destroy. He sent a flood that drowned the earth, and only king Ziusudra was warned in time to escape.

*Ennead - The group of the nine chief deities of the Osirian cycle in ancient Egyptian myth. They are Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. The term is also frequently used in Egyptian texts to denote the divine council of gods and goddesses in general.

*En-Kai - African rain god. (Maasai)

*Enyalius - A Spartan god of war. It is also an epithet of Ares.

*Enyo - A Greek goddess of war and waster of cities, sometimes depicted as the daughter of Ares, but also as his mother or his sister. She appears covered in blood, and striking attitudes of violence. Enyo ("horror") is one of the Graeae, the three 'old women'. In Rome she was identified with Bellona.

*Eos - the goddess of dawn. She was the daughter of Hyperion and Thia, and sister of Helios and Selene.

*Epona (Celtic) - The ancient Gaulish goddess of horses, mules, and cavalrymen. She was worshipped throughout entire Gaul, and as far as the Danube and Rome. Her cult was eventually adopted by the Roman army and they spread her worship wherever they went. Epona is depicted sitting or lying on a horse, or standing with multiple horses around her. Her symbol is the Cornucopia ("horn of plenty") which suggests that she could (originally) have been a fertility goddess. She is also identified with the Celtic goddess Edain.

*Erato - The Muse of lyric poetry, particularly love and erotic poetry, and mimicry. She is usually depicted with a lyre.

*Erebos - A Greek god of darkness.

*Ereshkigal - ('Queen of the Great Below')-Assyro-Babylonian Goddess of the Underworld, sister of Ishtar (Inanna). Known as 'Star of Lamentation,' or sometimes simply as Allatu ('The Goddess').

*Erh-Lang - Chinese god who chased away evil spirits, the great restorer, the sustainer. He is invoked for protection.

*Erin - One of the Three Queens of the Tuatha De Danann, daughters of the Dagda, who asked that Ireland be named after them.

*Eridanus - a Greek river god known as the king of rivers. He was a son of Oceanus and Tethys.

*Erigone (Greek) - the goddess of death, trees and fertility and associated with wine and a pastoral economy.

*Erinys - In Greek mythology, they are the three goddesses of revenge, sometimes called the daughters of Night. They were brought about by murder, perjury, ingratitude, disrespect, harshness, violation of filial piety and the laws of hospitality. They are impartial and impersonal and pursue these wrongdoers until they are driven mad and die. But even in death, the criminal does not find rest until he shows remorse. Then the Erinyes become the Eumenides ("protectors of the suppliant", "the well-disposed ones") or the Semnai ("the venerable ones"). They are usually represented as three sisters: Alecto ("the Unceasing"), Megaera ("the Grudging") and Tisiphone ("the Avenging"). They were created from drops of blood, coming from the wounds of Uranus when he was castrated by his son Cronus, which fell upon the Earth.

*Eris - the Greek goddess of discord and strife. She is Ares' constant companion and follows him everywhere. Eris is sinister and mean, and her greatest joy is to make trouble. She has a golden apple that is so bright and shiny everybody wants to have it. When she throws it among friends, their friendship come to a rapid end. When she throws it among enemies, war breaks out, for the golden apple of Eris is the Apple of Discord. She did this once during the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, and this act brought about the Trojan War.

*Eriu (Celtic) - a shapeshifting goddess of fate. The bestower of sovereignty.

*Er-lang - A Chinese guardian god who dispels evil spirits by setting the Hounds of Heaven (the Tian-gou) on them. His mother is a sister of the Jade Emperor, Yu-huang.

*Eros (Cupid) (Greek) - A primordial god, contemporary of Chaos, who existed before Cronos (Saturn) and Zeus. He came out of an egg that formed the earth and sky when it broke in two. He precipitated the embraces of Gaea (the Earth) and Uranus (the heavens), which resulted in the birth of Oceanus, Tethys, Coeus, and Cronos (Saturn) . The Earth and heavens were so tightly embraced that none of the children could rise towards the light until Cronos (Saturn) castrated his father. Cupid was associated with Aphrodite, who moderated his power. Where he was desire, instinct and violent sex, she was grace, tenderness and sweet pleasure. Cupid made people lose their reason and paralyzed their wills, even inspiring Zeus to capricious sexual desires.

*Ersa - Ersa was the Greek goddess of the dew. She was the daughter of Zeus and Eos, sister of Pandia.

*Esu - African (Yoruban) god of watchfulness. Judges men and records their actions, reporting them to Olorun.

*Esus - "Lord" or "Master". A Celtic agricultural deity of the Essuvi (Gaul), who derived their name from him. His cult was associated with the bull (with three skulls) and he is portrayed with one. He is also represented cutting branches from trees with an axe. According to some he was a bloodthirsty god, while other regard him as a god of commerce (similar to Mercury). His consort is Rosmerta.

*Etain (Celtic) - (Shining-One) was the triple goddess of the sun, water, horses, fragrance, beauty, music and the transmigration of souls.

*Eunomia - Greek goddess of order and legislation.

*Euphrosyne - "Joy". One of the three Charites, the Graces.

*Euronymous, Eurynomous (Greek) - god of death. Prince of hell who feeds upon corpses.

*Eurus - the Greek god of the east wind, and his siblings, the other winds. The Greeks were not sure whether the winds were male or female, but they knew that they had wings. Eurus was the wind who brought warmth and rain from the east. A symbol showing this was a vase inverted, pouring out rain. Eurus was the unfavorable one. His Roman equivalent is Vulturnus.

*Euterpe - from the Greek culture, is one of the nine Muses of Apollo. Her name means “rejoicing well" or "delight”. She was born from Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, along with her other eight sisters. Euterpe is the Muse of music and lyric poetry. She is also the Muse of joy and pleasure and of flute playing and was thought to have invented the double flute, which is her attribute.

Evan - The Etruscan goddess who personifies personal immortality. Evan belongs to the Lasa.

*Eve - Near Eastern (Phoenecian) goddess of the underworld.

*Fagus - A Gaulish / Pyrenean god of beech trees.

*Fairies - The name given to a wide variety of supernatural beings that either help or hinder mankind. Fairy beliefs are strongest in the Celtic lore of Britain, Ireland and Europe. The word is derived from the Latin fata, ‘fate', which refers to the mythical Fates, three women who spin and control the threads of life. According to theory, fairies are either: earthbound unbaptized souls; guardians of the souls of the dead; ghosts of venerated ancestors; fallen angels condemned to remain on earth; Nature Spirits, or small human beings. They are said to have magical powers and to consort with witches and other humans with supernatural powers. They have many different names and come in all shapes and sizes. They are invisible and can only be seen by clairvoyants or when they make themselves visible.

*Familars - According to English Witchrcraft handbooks of the early seventeenth century (familiars do not appear in Continental witchcraft trials and literature), the name given to spirits attendant upon Witches or Magicians. Usually familiars are visible to ordinary sight, as, for example, in the form of dogs or cats, but in some cases it was claimed that witches were followed by a swarm of invisible familiars. The word is from the Latin familiares, but alternative Roman names were magistelli and martinelli, while the Greeks called them paredrii. It was held that the familiar, usually in the form of a small domestic animal, was given to the witch by the Devil as companion, helper and adviser, which could be used to perform malicious errands, including murder, and other feats of black magic.

*Fand - Fand was a minor sea goddess who made her home both in the Otherworld and on the Islands of Man. With her sister, Liban, she was one of the twin goddesses of health and earthly pleasures. She was also known as "Pearl of Beauty". Some scholars believe she was a native Manx deity who was absorbed in the Irish mythology.

*Fan-kui - Fan-kui is the Chinese god of butchers.

*Fates - Greek and Roman mythologies include three spiritual beings called in Greek the Moirai, in Latin Parcae or Fatae, who were supposed to control the destiny of a person. They were named (probably after Hesiod) Clothe, who held a distaff on which was the material of life; Lachesis, who spun the thread from this material; and Atropos, who made that final cut of the thread which ended life. Sometimes the three are called the Harsh Spinners, even though they do not all spin. Their 'spinning' was said to take place at birth, and in some periods also at marriage, when a new life or fate was made. The general word moirai means 'share' or 'apportioned lot'. Lachesis means approximately 'obtaining by lot' and atropos 'irresistible'. The three Witches in Macbeth have been linked with these three spinners, from the old English term weird, which means approximately 'destiny'; the three 'weird sisters' were the Fates who control destiny.

*Fauna - Italian goddess of the earth, wildlife, forests, and fertility. Symbolizes prosperity as well.

*Faunus - Roman and Italian god of woodlands. Symbolizes love. Also known as Pan [Greek].

Februus - The Etruscan god of the underworld and also a god of purification. The month of February, his sacred month, was named after him.

*Fei Lian - The Chinese god of the wind, which he carries in a bag. He is a trouble-stirrer, but he is kept in check by Shen Yi, the heavenly archer. Fei Lian is depicted as a winged dragon with the head of a stag and the tail of a snake. In his human form he is known as Feng Bo.

*Feng-Po-Po - Chinese goddess of the winds, she replaced Feng-Po. She symbolizes the elements of air and water, storms, precipitation and moisture.

*Fenriz- son of Loki, depicted as a wolf .

*Feronia - An Etruscan goddess of fire and fertility.

*Fides - Roman goddess of faithfulness.

*Flereous, Feurety (Unk) - god of fire. Fire Elemental used in place of Satan. Lieutenant of hell.

*Flidais - Celtic (Irish) goddess of the forest, woodlands, and wild things. She had a magic cow that could produce milk enough for three hundred men in one night. Also a shapeshifter. Wife of Ailill. Associated with hunting, protection of wild animals.

*Flora - Roman goddess of blossoming and flowering plants. She is the wife of Zephyrus who gave her eternal youth. Also known as Chloris [Greek]

*Fodla - Fodla is one of the three goddesses who ruled Ireland before the first Gaels, led by Amergin, came to the island. She was given the honor of naming Ireland. Her husband is king MacCecht. See also Banba and Eriu.

*Forcas / Furcas - Grand President of Hell. A robust white-haired man, teaches logic, rhetoric, etc. Grants power over opposite sex. Commands 29 Legions.

*Fornax - Roman goddess of bread baking.

*Forseti - Norse (Scandinavian) god of justice and reconciliation. His name would be said before a trial to ensure that the argument was perfectly reconciled. Associations: Truth, justice, peace, equity.

*Fortuna / Tyche - Italian goddess of fortune, fate, destiny, blessings, luck, and fertility. Often invoked when one wants to receive money by chance, like in a lottery or contest.

*Frebruus - Italian god of purification, initation, and of the dead.

*Frey - Norse (Scandinavian) God of sun and rain, peace and war, and the bountiful harvest. He is the son of Njörd, husband of Gerd, and the brother of Freya. He symbolizes peace and prosperity.

*Freyja / Frigg - "Queen of the Valkyeries". Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of love, sex, sensuality, passion, and fertility. Called the most beautiful of the goddesses. She is also the patron Goddess of crops and birth. Her father is Njörd; her brother, Freyr. She spends much of her time with the faeries. She symbolizes war, fertility, leo magic, fruitfulness, the moon, poetry, child blessing, maternity.

*Freyr - the god of sun and rain, and patron of bountiful harvests. He is both a god of peace as well as a brave warrior. He is also the ruler of the elves. Freyr is the most prominent and most beautiful of male members of the Vanir, and is called 'God of the World'. After the merging of the Aesir and the Vanir, Freyr is called 'Lord of the Aesir'. Freyr was also called upon to grant a fertile marriage.

*Frigg - Norse (Scandinavian) Goddess of love, fertility, marriage and motherhood. It is said that she knows but will not reveal the destiny of everyone. She symbolizes fertility, physical love, foresight, cunning, wisdom, the moon, and love. Also known as Frigga.

*Frimost - According to the Grimorium Verum, Frimost can control the minds and bodies of girls and women.

*Frucissiere - According to the Grimorium Verum, Frucissiere "can bring the dead back to life."

*Frutimiere - According to the Grimorium Verum, Frutimiere "can serve up any feast you desire."

*Fudo - The most popular of the Myoo ("great kings") and the god of fire and wisdom. He is the fifth of the guardians of the heavens and the patron of astrology. He is called upon at the start of difficult undertakings, as well as in times of war, epidemics and disasters. Fudo protects against calamities, great dangers and fire and theft. He resides in a temple on the summit of Mount Okiyama surrounded by fire. No one was allowed to see him seated in his sanctuary on pain of blindness. His priest Yenoki lived on, after his death, in a tree, watching over the moral conduct of the country people.

*Fudo-Myoo - The guardian of wisdom, the Unshakable Spirit. In Japanese cosmology he personifies virtue of perseverance.

*Fufluns - An Etruscan god of vegetation, vitality and gaiety, son of the earth-goddess Semia. He shows many similarities with Dionysus and Bacchus, the Greek and Roman gods of wine.

*Fugen Bosatsu - Japanese god of enlightening wisdom, intelligence, understanding, intuition, long life.

*Fu-Hsi - Chinese god of agriculture/vegetation and inventor of writing.

*Fu-Hsing - Chinese god of happiness. His sacred animal was the bat. Symbolizes destiny, fate, love, happiness, and success.

*Fu-xing - The Chinese god of Happiness, one of the San-xing. He is most frequently portrayed in the blue clothes of a civil servant and in the company of children, or in his symbolic form of a bat. His name means "Lucky Star". He is frequently confused with Tian-guan, the Ruler of Heaven.

*Fujin - The Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods. He was present at the creation of the world and when he first let the winds out of his bag, they cleared the morning mists and filled the space between heaven and earth so the sun shone. He is portrayed as a terrifying dark demon wearing a leopard skin, carrying a large bag of winds on his shoulders.

*Fuku-Nyorai - In Japanese cosmology, the element of air, signifying the wisdom of accomplishment.

* Fukurokuju - The Japanese Shinto god of wisdom, luck and longevity. He is one of the seven god of luck (the Shichi Fukujin). He is depicted with a very high forehead (nearly equal to the length of his body), accompanied by a turtle and a crow.

*Fulgora - Roman goddess who protected houses against lightning and terrible storms.

*Funadama - Boat-spirit. A female divinity who protects and helps mariners and fishermen. Funadama is represented by symbols such as a woman's hair, dice, money and the five grains inserted into the mast of a boat.

*Furfur (Unk) - Holds rank as count of hell.

*Furina - Roman goddess of robbers and thieves.

Futsu-Nushi-no-Kami - The Japanese god of fire and lightning. Later he became a god of war and general of Amaterasu. He helped to prepare the rulership of Ninigi on earth.