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AGATE-Energies and elements vary depending on the stone used. Worn on the arm or carried while gardening, the agate increases your plants fertility and ensures a bountiful crop or health flowers. A stone often utilized in love spells, it is also worn to avoid envious thoughts and to remove spite. It is also worn as a truth amulet, to ensure that your words are pure, and also to ensure favors from powerful persons. Agate jewelry is given to children to be worn as protective amulets.
     Banded Agate-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is used for protection. It restores bodily energy and eases stressful situations.
     Black Agate-Energy is projective with the element of Earth. Another protection stone. Wear for courage and successful competitions.
     Black and White Agate-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. It is worn as an amulet guarding agains physical dangers.
     Blue Lace Agate-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. Wear or carry this stone for peace and happiness.
     Brown or Tawny Agate-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is used today for success in any undertaking.
     Green Agate-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. It is worn to improve the health of the eyes.
     Moss Agate-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. Due to the curious markings on this stone it is considered to be the gardener’s talisman. It is worn to relieve a stiff neck, to lend energy to the depleted and for healing purposes. It is also used in spells involving riches, happiness and long life.

ALEXANDRITE-This gemstone is rare and expensive. When worn it draws luck and good fortune. It is also used for love spells.

AMAZONITE-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. This stone is used by gamblers to attract money luck.

AMBER-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. Amber necklaces are perhaps the commonest form used in magick. These necklaces are protective when worn. It is a powerful amulet against negative magick and is especially effective in safeguarding children. It is worn to enhance beauty and general attractiveness. It has been regarded as being highly sensual and magnetic. It is worn to attract love and to increase one’s enjoyment of pleasurable activities. It is also worn as a general protector of health and to relieve or cure existing conditions. It can be worn for the prevention or relief of convulsions, deafness, insanity, sore throat, earache, headache, toothache, asthma, and rheumatism.

AMETHYST-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. When placed under a pillow or worn to bed, it drives off insomnia and nightmares. It is a spiritual stone with absolutely no negative side effects or association with violence, anger or is the stone of peace. It calms fears, raises hopes, lifts the spirits and promotes thoughts of the spiritual reality behind our lives. When worn it wards off guilt and self-deception, helps you overcome addiction such as alcoholism, curbs overindulgence and bestows good judgment. It also lends courage to the wearer and is a powerful amulet for travelers. It is used to increase psychic awareness and to sharpen the sixth sense. It also sharpens the conscious mind, quicken the wit and enhancing mental powers. It is used to improve the memory, to relieve headaches and to keep thoughts in line with life goals. It is a stone of pure, true emotional love, often exchanged between lovers to strengthen their commitment. It can also be used by someone involved in a lawsuit to ensure justice is done.

APACHE TEAR-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. A stone of translucent obsidian, it is carried as a good-luck charm. It is also used for protection and has all the properties of obsidian.

AQUAMARINE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. This stone is worn or carried to enhance the use of psychic powers. Because it is a cleansing and purification stone it can be worn or rubbed on the body as a part of a purification prior to magick rituals. It is used like the amethyst in soothing and calming emotional problems. It is a stone of peace, joy, and happiness, especially in relationships. It is worn or carried as a protective amulet while sailing or flying over water. It has also been worn to relieve the pain of toothache and to cure illness of the stomach, throat and jaw. As a charm, it is worn to ensure good health, to halt fear so as to strengthen the courage hiding in oneself and for alertness of the mind.

AVENTURINE-Energy is projective with the element of Air. It is worn to strengthen the eyesight. It is also worn, carried or used in spells designed to increase perception, to stimulate creativiity and to enhance intelligence. It is used in games of chance magick and is a popular gambler’s charm.

AZURITE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It has long been used in magick to increase psychic powers. Place the stone under your pillow for prophetic dreams. It is also used in healing magick.

BERYL-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is worn while on the water for protection against storms. It guards its wearer against drowning and seasickness. It has long been used to increase psychic awareness. It is another stone exchanged between lovers to strengthen their relationship and is carried or worn to attract love.

BLOODSTONE-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. This is a green chalcedony flecked with red spots. It is used mostly to stop bleeding and to keep the blood healthy and to help cure blood-related diseases. It is also worn to cure fevers and as a general health-giving charm. When worn lends courage, calms fears and eliminates anger. It has also been used inspells designed to secure victory in court and legal matters. It is used in wealth, money and business spells. It also attracts wealth when carried in the pocket or purse or worn.