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*Hum in Lincoln with Mercy Rule

Sunday, May 31, 1998

Hum at Knickerbocker's Bar and Grill in Downtown Lincoln.

This show had been advertised alot, all over town you would pass the posters of Hum suited in their scientist gear...
I had planned on getting downtown very early, eating at some restaurant and then getting to Knickerbocker's early. But my mom suddenly planned this cookout at our house, so there were all these people and my dad couldnt take me downtown till later. grr.
The my mom figured out that it wasn't an all ages show, and was telling me to just stay home But no there was no way in hell that i was gonna miss a Hum show..i'd rather shave my head or loose an EAR or something... talked my dad into taking me finnaly once i promised to buy him beer and pay the 10 bucks to get him in too. So we got downtown, Jeff walks by, looks in the windows of some closed stores and then dissapears around the corner..wearing a bright orange shirt like on the Green to Me Single cd that tim had on.
We pass Ralph's Hungry Eye tattoo shop and then we're at Knickerbockers, theres a guy standing in the door checking for ID. .. . . .I'm thinking, aw shit... . . . .
I ask the guy for two tickets and just act like i'm in a hurry and he hands me the tickets and i see that now its a 19&over show...god that throws me back even further beyond the line of age limitations! when i called the venue they told me 18 and over, The ticket still said Shiner on it..there were little light blue music notes and in red it said HUM and Mercy Rule. He asked for Id's... my dad tells him that i dont have an ID. So he looks at me like " let's see why not?.how old are you then?" and i lied and said i was just barely under age...just a little bit..and then he then finnaly let me in, only after he drew huge M's on both of my hands in permanant black marker. Once inside the place we played pinball and jeff walked around with his hands in his pockets and tim was sitting at this table with some chicks with lots of makeup on leaning over it.. I order a Sprite and my dad gets a beer...we sit down and wait. I leave for awhile and go sit by the stage and watch Mercy Rule get their stuff set up and soundcheck. Saw some slightly familiar looking people at the show but didnt talk to them. Then Mercy Rule starts, they were pretty loud but not as loud as Hum is! my dad's sitting on the other side of the building drinking and Im watching Mercy rule play and that chick's just screaming and stuff, they sounded pretty good. Then Matt walks in and stands a few feet from me and leans on the wall watching the band play. Good thing he didnt lean on the part of the wall that was a few inches away..he'd have fallen through the wall...its kind of a shitty place..what can i say..:) Matt leaves, then i wonder what my dad's doing in the bar area so i wonder back in..there's dad sitting at these little tables with Hum. ahh..i almost turned around because i didnt want to just walk up and sit down by them all. (i feel stupid alot) But i did anyways, bryan's reading a local paper and matt's drinking a beer. jeff's just sitting there in this booth and Tim's there too . Bryan said something to me, i guess they ate at a Wendy's..yuck..i haven't eaten their for at least 6 years. They should come eat a my house next time instead! we even have a keg at all times! ('s dads..)
I had been sick the day before the show, and had still been feeling a little sick, but i instantly felt better once the show started. There's this drunk old guy hitting on all the chicks and yelling at Matt the whole time, and just being an ass to him while he was on stage. matt couldnt understand the man's drunkin mumble and tim sorta could i guess, cause he was laughing. The drunk guy said " you think your nebraskans?"
so Matt said : "Hi, were Nebraska, we're from Illinoi"
then asked Bryan for some beers, 'how many you want?"... "i'll probably need about 8.."
(i have a setlist and this is how it reads.some stuff was spelled differant...)

and then Matt took a break to take another drink and started to talk "there's no place i'd rather be right now, Nebraska is great, well actually...i'd also rather be at home right now, having sex with my girlfriend." (everyone laughed, he had this funny grin on his face) then he said " no thats not true, i dont know how to have sex."
(tim laughs at him)
then he said " yeah , i dont know how to have sex so i wrote a song about it " then they played COMNG' HOME!!!! i nearly died..!!! i still start laughing even right now..
(thats how it was spelled on the set i in it .)

the show was absolutly awsome, the sound was super good, the vocals were turned up louder then any thing else, and i could hear matt singing so loud clear with every word, it was beautiful. I give my compliments to the sound guy, who isn't too old :) (my dad was saying how he thought he was the oldest guy there. The guy doing Hum's sound over heard and asked how old he was, they are both 41! but anyways, 41, that's not so old at all.. My ear's are ringing still....they'd go all out into just fuzzy sound and matt would go wild on the guitar..i was so glad that i got to go to the show. Bryan asked me something and i just said "what!??" my ears are so bad, it sounded like he said " do you review things?" and i was like " huh? reviews?" but i guess he didnt say anything like that, not even close! He repeated again, and this time it sounded like he said "will you sign my yearbook?" my ears are so fucked up! i still dont know what he said, him and my dad just looked at each other and laughed at me. my dad's like " she cant hear ya, her ears are shot " i seriously think i have a bad hearing problem, i cant make out any sentences today..and i had to get up at 5 am for FINALS in stupid...all i can hear is this ringing, even when i try to plug my ears. ( i was deaf in one ear for 2 months last summer!) Before leaving the show i gave Matt a few messages from various people, and finnaly asked him to sign my ticket. His handwriting is the same as mine..its kinda cool.

there's probably stuff i've left out, but there's your review anyways. sorry its so long, i actually went back and cut stuff out 4 times to try and shorten it..i like to write, but as of now i feel like going to bed.
happy and buzzing like the sound in my ears
, Jennii :)

 1sl3      cheater\\\\etah .