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Betsy Shyu

Betsy was one of the Berkeley girl's. She's got lots of hair, really pretty. Betsy is an ABC. She's one of the only girl in Berkeley I know that knows how to speak Taiwanese. It's good to know somebody who knows Taiwanese. A lot of jokes are funnier in Taiwanese. I just realize that Betsy actually laughs quite a bit too. She can talk really loud. I think one time at Betsy's birthday or something, we all got together at her place and hang out. Clubbing was one of her birthday plans, but I wasn't much of a clubber so I didn't go. Andrew, Dan and I watched movies until they came back. I remember I spilled soda earlier that night, and again during the movie. Betsy wasn't too happy about that, especially not when I'm laughing. After clubbing the rest of the gang came back with a cake. I was having a little fun, and shoved the cake on Dora's hand to her face, everyone laughed, except for Betsy. A piece of cake fell and she happen to see it. She was already unhappy with me spilling all the soda, so she yelled really really loud at me. (I even took a sticky pix!) While everyone piped down, I was still giggling when she was yelling... I apologized later to her for making such a big mess around her house, so it was all good. Betsy is a smart girl and a safe driver.