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Benjamin Trunnell

Heh, This guy. Ben and I went to the same elementary school. We didn't meet then, but in sophomore year in high school we've became best friends. We were in the same English class with a dumb dumb teacher. (I've never seen a English teacher quiet so dumb, aren't they usually mean?) I was about to buy a computer then, and he sat next to me and it started our friendship. None of my old pack of friends knew anything about computers then, so naturally I find Ben and consulting him on which computer to buy and stuff. If it wasn't for him, I would have spend 3500 dollars to buy a computer on my mom's credit card. As days goes by, I've ditched all my old friends and concentrate my friendship with Ben. I learned many computer related information from him. It was all him that made me change from being an accountant or a math teacher to being a comp techie. We hang out so much in those old days. We would drive to Berkeley all the time, and I have to thank Jun for moving to Berkeley so I would have an opportunity to know all the great people here. Unfortunately we don't get to go to the same university after graduating. We still hang out at time during weekends. After a while he also made friends with more of the Berkeley people, and hung out with them when I'm occupied with other people and/or things. Distance is often a problem with many friendships. Ours wasn't exactly an exception. After I got back from Taiwan, his friendship with Tony grew deeper. I knew the friendship between him and I changed when I don't get shotgun when we go places. But it's not really either of our fault. Ben and I never had the relationship where we can tell each other our love life. We were built on technology info trading. We have many interests in common. Such as the love for computers, new and chic objects, and certain fields of music. We don't hang out much anymore, it's just that our free times do not coincide. Oh well.

