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Andrew Pai

Andrew! Andrew is my roomie. He's the first roommate I've ever had. I didn't have a roommate when I lived at Jun's house. Andrew and I each have our own rooms. So we're more like a house-mate. Andrew is a hard working student. I envy him how he doesn't desire all the luxurious stuff that I always do. he just doesn't care! (and still be happy.) I wish I can be like him. Andrew...Actually I don't know him that well. We met during one of the time I came to Berkeley... Maybe at a party or something. I believe it was during one of the time during someone's birthday party at the marina he asked me if I wanted to be his roommate. But too bad that the day before I've already promised Jun's parents that I would live at their place... I moved into Jun's before I went back to Taiwan for vacation and came back the day before school started it. Jun's parent's were really nice. They didn't start charging me rent till I came back from Taiwan. They even lowered the rent to $450, how nice, plus food and furniture. It's different here, it's exactly the opposite here. It wasn't really fair that I get charged rent for leaving furniture here while I was in Taiwan. I should have left them at Jun's and move them in after I come back from Taiwan, that would've saved me $500 bucks. There are good qualities that living here. There are no parents! (I guess money buys you freedom...) Andrew and I cook for ourselves, since there are no parents to do that for us. We learned to be more independent, which is actually very realistic. Andrew and I each assigned ourselves to duties around the house. I do the dishes, and takes care of the kitchen. Andrew does the watering for the lawn and bathroom. Andrew is a fun guy. Though I tend to piss him off often. I either walk too loud in the house or don't use the microwave right. I think I've only met Andrew for less than 10 times before we became roommates. I have no idea why I did...maybe it's because I kept on saying I will one day. No parents is great, but Andrew to me is like a parent. He cares mucho. Moving in with Andrew made so many impacts to my life. Ben doesn't visit me often anymore as when I was living at Jun's because I live far. There is an advantage living here that I don't get at Jun's. I get Safeway. It's only a few blocks away. I can buy anything I want when I have the cravings. Living with Andrew is very different then I thought. He's totally a different person than me. We don't have many times in common. We listen to different music, taste of girls, schedules, habits, and TV shows. I wonder if his desire to have me as a roommate is still strong. Andrew, you need to give it up. You lose alot of things if you don't give people 2nd chances. At least give them another try, haven't you heard "Three strikes is out"?