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Sherry Cox

Dang, do I have a lot to say about her. Sherry and I were hecka good phone buddies. I actually started to call her. She was in one of my math class, I believe it was algebra two when I was a freshmen. She was a year older than me. We sat at the same table because our last name was so close. She was very very surprised when I called her the first time. She didn't know where I got her phone number from. But was she glad that I called, cuz she had lots of math questions to ask me. One thing lead to another, we just talk every night just before we go to bed. She would always be talking about her "boy" experience. She likes bad boys. She's prolly's been with like 80 of them. I've lost count after a while. Sherry has two sisters, Brenda and Julie, I have incredible memory right now for some reason. Doh! I think I just lost that memory skill, I forgot what her best friend's name is. I didn't like her friend too much anyways...I think her name is Melissa, not sure though. I have only been to her house one time. And we live really close too. We used to tease each other about getting our drivers license. But she got it first. I remember that time I went to her house, we watched My Best Friend's Wedding. It was a good movie. Her room is smaller than mine, but she's got TONs of clothe. Does every girl have one of those fuzzy shirts? (She has many, cuz she was wearing a white one that day, and jeans) We went to her house after trying to make the scanner work at her mom's work. During Senior we talked less, mainly because I met Dora, and she didn't go to the same school, she graduated.