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Lenka Schanka

I went to the same school with her practically my whole life until I moved to Berkeley. She's also an immigrant, but from Czech Republic. Lenka is a very shy girl, but she's really a nice person. She has great penmanship, and she's very good at English, which I really suck at. It's funny how she has a sister the same age as my brother, and they went to Barret  Junior High while Lenka and I went to  Will Rogers. We all end up in the same High School at Del Campo. I remember Lenka and used to write notes to each other all the time. And I would tell the teacher to give it to her too. We had the same English teacher, but different period and different year. I also remember how she and I walked home together, first to my house so I can drop off my back pack, and then head to her house. She used to live a bit far, it would take us about 45 minutes to walk to her house. But time flies when you're enjoying what you're doing. It's too bad that don't hang out any more, but Lenka always remember to email me an E-Holiday Card during all the holidays. How nice of her.