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[ World RKLS ] [ RKLS' Chatbox ] [ RKLS' Gaming World ] [ RKLS' Worst Site Competition ] [ RKLS' Ving Tsun Page ] [ Idea's Page ] [ Link Page ] [ Personal ] [ Banner Exchange Network ] [ Southpark Tribute ] [ Wu-Tang Tribute ] [ Graffiti ] [ Rollercoaster Tycoon Downloads ] [ Snake 2 (Nokia 7110 game) ]

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If you have any idea's, please submit them to my E-mail address. The submitted idea's will be placed at my Idea's page.

News Archive



- 30/09/98: I don't have much visitors yet, only 115 or something. Please do something about it. All of you probably think that my site is not interesting, but it can change. Send me some idea's! Tell your friends about the site. Make them send some idea's. Without your support this site is doomed.


- 11/10/98: The first comments are now on my idea's page and I have also changed the very annoying orange background into a dark spacelike background.

- 14/10/98: I've reached the magical border of 200 visitors!!! I now have a link page. If you want a link read the conditions on the link page.

- 16/10/98: Lisanne Vlaar had her birthday today, she has turned 14!!!

- 23/10/98: Before today I could only update my site once a week, now I can update my site every day. This means problems will be banned quicker and idea's and links will be put on my page in less time.

- 25/10/98: As you can see, you can now access some of the best sites on the web. Check 'em out!!!

- 29/10/98: As you might have noticed, I've removed the page with the facts about me, it wasn't visited enough...but, if you want it to come back, mail me.


- 03/11/98: You can now join my mailing list and get news about my site. Look at the top of this page to submit your email address.

- 08/11/98: At my Link Page and my Idea's Page you can now easier submit your idea's or link requests. You now only have to fill in a simple form.

- 09/11/98: I would like to know more about my visitors, all you have to do to let me know more about yourself is go here. Thanx.

- Friday the 13th: I've now started a Banner Exchange Network, so if you want to promote your Banner, click here.

- 14/11/98: If you like Red Alert from Westwood, i've got something for you. A zip file containing a textfile on how to win skirmish everytime, try it! Download (3.1 Kb) now!

- 19/11/98: Do you like the Wu-Tang Clan ? Then you have to see this!!!!

- 20/11/98: Almost 500 visitors...

- 21/11/98 - 01/01/99: I've now got 2 advanced counting methods on my site! They register almost every information; type of browser, login time. With this I can really improve my site .Click one of the icons to see the current stats.


- 24/11/98: I've opened a new chatservice. It's very cool. Click here to visit it.

- 26/11/98: I didn't made this page alone, well I made it alone, but some people have inspired me in some way, so I wanna thank them, so you can check who I wanna say peace to...

- 27/11/98: I've now got a domain !!! Check


- 23/12/98: As you might have noticed, I haven't wrote news for quite a while...but now I'm back.
I also installed a special feature into this page, links that change color when your cursor 'touches' them. It works with Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 4.0. Here you can check if your browser supports this feature. This link should turn from orange to bordeauxred



- 10/01/99: Raymond van Barneveld has won the Embassy World Darts Championship 1999, this message was put here on 21:01 CET so I was one of the the first to put this on my page. Little Remark, he wasn't wearing his PC-Zone Benelux T-Shirt...


- 05/02/99: Like playing games? In a very short time I will start a cheatspage. All cheats for your favorite PC Games...coming soon! Check it out

- 06/02/99: My cheatspage is online, check it out! New cheats every day...

- 08/02/99: I once again changed my pagecolors, everyone was getting sick of the old grey background, so I removed it for a dark blue background.

- 19/02/99: XSCount decided to stop with their countingservices so I had to remove that counter. You can still see some stats by clicking on the other icon.

- 21/02/99: I've now got a gaming-page, besides a cheatspage, I now also have a gaming hall of fame where you can submit your personal records.


- 05/03/99:I now got another Nedstat-service on my page, not only do I now have a counter, I now also have a ratingsystem, try clicking the image below.

NedStat Rating

- 17/03/99: World RKLS had it's 1000th visitor today !!!!


- 10/04/99: Have you seen a bad site lately, vote for it/them at my Worst Site Competition.

- 28/04/99: My Wu-Tang Tribute had an update today, it now has news about the clan, a chatbox and the possibility to listen to the clan while viewing the page.!!!!


- 08/05/99: I'm now a official PADI open water diver. Wanna dive too or find out more about it, visit the PADI website.


- 07/06/99: Do you like South Park? Well, i'm thinking of starting a South Park page, so come back soon to see if it's there.

- 12/06/99: My Southpark Tribute is online, click here to see.


- 12/07/99: Download Rollercoaster Tycoon track designs at my Rollercoaster Tycoon Downloads page. Already 5 coasters available !!


- all/08/99: I was on vacation in august, so I didn't update my page alot. But here's a list of updates:
- Kingpin page started
- More coasters added
- World RKLS hit 1500 visitors
- and more...


- 08/09/99: My Wu-Tang page hit 7500 visitors. Great! Thanks to all of you who have visited it and still are. Let's go to 10000!


- 02/10/99: Today I start my action: 2000 before 2000. Goal: Get the counter on 2000 before the 1st of January 2000. So tell your friends to visit this page and get the counter on 2000.

- 17/10/99: Ving Tsun page online, learn about the history of Ving Tsun and find out about free lessons here.


- 11/11/99: November was the month my Wu-Tang Tribute hit 10000 hits.

- 17-20/11/99: Big update, new name, money-making, disappearance of ReCKLeSS Recruiting Center, but still no 2000 visitors.



- 07/01/00: Happy newyear!!! Not really a Y2K-bug, so I can continue my page here on angelfire. That's really all for now.

Greetings, RKLS.

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