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In Loving Memory of Ruth & Clarence,
(My Grandparents)

Everyone loves someone,or has loved some one at one point in time...The people that I've really loved the most was my grandparents, Ruth and Clarence Eggleston...they were everything to me...and now their gone... I suggest that you tell that special someone you love, how much you love them because you may never get the chance agian...And do not know when they're gonna leave this life for the next...I remember the day my grandparents died as if it were only yesterday and I will never forget...So take this time to find that special someone and tell them how much they mean to you, if you don't you may never get the chance I know I never did before my grandparents left this world for the next...

I shed a tear cuz i'm missing you, yet i'm still ok to smile, there is not doubt in my mind that you'll be in my heart for as long as i live...One mid evening of October 15,1993 Ruth 71, died in her sleep...People say it was from old age but I know it was from lonliness and heartache...Grandma wasn't all that old she was only in her 70's...For she loved grandpa so much...One mid evening of December 7, 1992, Clarence 80, died In the hospital...Grandpa used to tell me alot of stories, one story i remember the most is when he had faught in WWII...

My grandparents were very caring people who had a heart of gold...they always tried to help everyone out...I helped them out so much, each time I saw them; and I know they really appreciated it...I'd like you to read some of the poems i had found that remind me of my grandparents...I put them on here for you to read and enjoy....majority of them are so true...


I may not always tell you,
exactly how I feel,
But the love I have for you,
Will always be for real,
You mean so much to me,
More than You will ever know,
and I will always love you,
where ever you may be,
So when your days are really tough,
And you don't know what to do,
remember these words I'm saying now,
I will always love you and care for you.

~Author Unknown by me~

I often sit and gaze into the sky late at night and wonder why, why you had to leave this life...I'll never understand but I do know that I loved you both so very much,and u will always be in my heart...but God took you away...Mabey he took you away for a reason, or mabey he just wanted to... I'll never know... But i know I will never stop loving these two very special people...This page is designed for my only grandparents I ever knew and loved so dearly... because I will never forget the love they had for me or those very few special years I had with them...But I'm glad I had those few years with them...In this short time i spent with them, they taught most of what I needed to know...I have lots of wonderful memories that, I'll never forget...Some times I feel that they are still here with me, but where are they? I can't see them, or hear their voices...but I can feel their seems like when ever i'm really sad and thinking about them I can fell them with me...could it be that they are thinking of me to? I may never know....I know I will never forget my granparents... for I lost 2 very special people to me who meant the world to me...My grandparents will always be in my heart and thoughts for the rest of my life...But in a way, i'm glad they did go cuz now their not suffering any more, and they can be happy...i just wish they were still here...


A heart of gold stopped beating,
four shining eyes at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove,
He only takes the best.

God knows you had to leave us,
but you did not go alone,
for part of us went with you,
the day He took you home.

To some you are forgotten,
to others just part of the past,
but to us who loved you and lost you,
the memory will always last.

~Author Unknow by me~


remember your loved one lives in your heart.-

May tender memories
soften your grief,
may fond recollectaion
bring you relief,
and may you find comfort
and peace in thought
of the, that knowing
your loved one brought
For time and space
can never divide,
or keep your loved one
from your side,
when memory paints
in colors true,
The happy hours
that belonged to you.

~Author Unknown by me~


A cool summer night
A cloudy sky, no stars to be seen
Another one of the angels gone
taken to heaven for ever
Close your eyes and listen carefully
the sound of beating wings
softely fluttering back and fourth
Whispers of love and of loss
cries of agony and of pain
Raise your face to heaven
Offer your tears as a sacrfice
Your pain will be slowly erased
memories will take place
thoughts of joy and of laughter
numbing the aching pain of loss
The loss of love and the taking of an angel

~Sarah E Smith~


I thank you for being there every step of the by day.
I thank you for listening when I was down and needed a shoulder to cry on.
I thank you for not running when I held out my hand
I thank you for helping me see what I couldn't in the mirror.
I thank you for believing in me and picking me up when I fell
I thank you for being you and helping me find my true self.
I thank you and will remember everything you said and have done.
And I will always be there for you....

Seasons come and seasons go but the love I had for you will never die...When i think of you it makes me sad...But i know that you had to go for a reason...

This candle burns in memory of my grandparents Who are gone but not forgotten...Also for all u out there who has lost some dear to them...

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