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News - 1/11/00
      I have almost finish this site. I think I might Finish it early. All Part of the site execpt in AznCountries, Free Arts, and Mp3s will not work.. But with a hard work I will finish it sooner.  But Due to School midterms.  I will have to postpone it by 1 week. 


News - 1/5/00
      MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- A man convicted of raping his daughter more than 100 times was put to death Tuesday in the seventh execution in the Philippines since capital punishment was re-imposed in the country in 1994
         Brought by Cnn
Money -
     Would you believe me you can get paid  while surfing the net. You get paid 50 cent per hour. And you can get an addional 20 cent. per person you refer. The more the better and more money you get. Please Click here and refer me if you would like. I would appriciate it alot...
Playstation 2 -
play2.GIF (10392 bytes)This is what the official playstation 2 system looks like. With a dvd, and a cable modem connection, with 10 gig hard drive and a slot for a digital camera. This would cause alot of money. How much you say would this would cause? About 375.00 dollars.
RealPlayer G2 -
     In some part on my site. You are need to have RealPlayer in order to listen to the songs. I you do not have realplayer g2. Please go to this site and search it. and search it as RealPlayer Gr. And try to download the new version which is 7.0
Surf Anonymously -   
Did you know that detailed information about your system is automatically provided to every web site you visit? This information can be used by hackers to exploit your computer and by companies to track your activities on the Internet.

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