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History of Augustus

It was early spring in the year of 954A.D. A middle-aged man was venturing deep in the Black Forest of Germany when he came across something that would change his life... The man's name was Angus William Nevratos, a Scottish Nobleman who stood 6'1 with long,dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He was on a scouting mission and was on his way home when out of the corner of his eye he saw a beautiful young woman lay a small bundle on the ground and dissappear as quickly as she appeared. Angus blinked in disbelief, thinking that this was just his mind playing tricks on him, but still he had to take a look. Slowly, he approached the bundle..slowly moving the blanket to reveal a baby boy with short red hair and warm blue eyes. Angus immediately went to his knees and picked up his son and made his way back to Scotland.

Years passed and young August grew to become a handsome youth, exceeding his peers in all aspects. He fought in countless battles and no matter how greatly he was outnumbered, he had never lost a battle.

He had fell in love with a beuatiful young woman named Elizabeth. They lived together for many years and were graced with two boys, Dorian and Kenneth. Both grew up and followed in their father's footsteps. At the age of 12, Kenneth was killed in battle and shortly after Dorian was kidnapped by an evil wizard. Augustus already morning after the death of Kenneth swore that he would one day he would find his son Dorian and kill the wizard. Then one day, while in heated battle, his father was struck in the throat by an arrow, and quickly died. August became enraged and filled with extreme vengence as he watched his father fall, powerless to prevent it. Right before he was about to charge against those who slew his father, from out of nowhere,a mysterious hooded figure appeared blocking his path.

Augustus tried to draw his great Claymour, but he could not remove it from it's sheath. The figure removed his cloak revealing a man about August's height, but with long white hair with a single blonde strand running down his back,orange tinted skin, and a warm,soothing smile upon his wisened face. August took his hand off the hilt of sword and examined this strange individual, but to August's surprise, he found that this person really meant him no harm.

The man told August his name, Vertiscus Veladron, a mage of the Verbena Tradition, also known as life, mages, from the Black Forest of Germany. He led August away from the battlefield, healed his wounds and explained that they were brothers, separated on purpose by the Verbena Council, and the Council decreed that it was time for August to be trained in the arts of magic.

Centuries passed, and little by little, August saw less and less of Vertiscus, and by that time, his powers had grown beyond his imagination. Feeling the urge for adventure and travel, he left his home and eventually found himself in a strange new land called Rhydin, where he was introduced to many strange and bizare creatures. Among the most abundant were the vampires. He lived among the inhabitants of Rhydin for a century, and then heard word of another realm called the Shadow Realms. Purging his sense for adventure, he journied there. Arriving at, what seemd to be a very popular establishment, called Knight's Tavern, he entered. Almost immediately, a tall figure with a big smile motioned him over to a booth in the corner. There he was introduced to Memnoch and his granddaughter, Vampirwind. Immediately, August fell in love and soon Windy and August were married.

Through his magic, Wind was able to give birth to a beautiful girl named Serra Anne. They lived happily for years, until his brother, Vertiscus returned and took Windy away from him to make her his own. August knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it, so he took Serra home to his castle in the Shadow Realms and raised her with the help of his dragon Familiar, Tharp.

The years passed by slowly for August till he met another beautiful young woman,Anna. They got married immediatley, but yet again trouble hit August again. Vertiscus came back, but this time it was for August. August had reached the point in his life where the Verbena Council demand that their members must move to the Umbra and give up their lives in the mortal world.

August was forced to stay within the confines of the Umbra for 300 years, before he found a way to escape. When he finially left, he went before the Council and denounced all ties to the Tradition, and became a maurauder,a wandering mage, that does what he feels he needs to do without having to get approval from a Tradition Council...