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Meet Maggie Simpson!

Maggie Simpson is the youngest daughter of Homer and Marge Simpson. She is famous for her addiction to pacifiers.

One of my favorite episodes is the one where Santa's Little Helper needed an operation and it cost so much that they couldn't afford to buy baby clothes for Maggie, so they dressed her in a Crown Royal bag. My dad used to use one for a camera case and I never knew it was a liquor until my friends laughed at me for carrying a camera in a booze bag. But I'm not bitter or anything.

Another one I like is the one where Homer tells Bart and Lisa how Maggie was born. They want to know why there aren't any pictures of Maggie in the picture album. Homer relates to them the story of Maggie's birth. He finally got out of debt and quit his job at the nuclear power plant, but Marge got pregnant so he had to quit his dream job at the bowling alley and go crawling back to Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns made him put up a sign in his nuclear cubicle that said, "Don't forget, you're here forever." He came home all depressed and Marge said, "Homey --"

Homer said, "You want to know how my day was. Well, I could tell you that it was fine, but the truth is, I'm miserable and I hate my job and I hate my boss and I hate my life and this baby is ruining my life!"

Marge said, "Homey, my contractions started an hour ago."

Homer said, "It's just in one ear and out the other with you, Marge, isn't it?"

So they go to the hospital and Maggie is born and Homer loves Maggie and says, "Oh, Marge, we have a beautiful baby! It's a boy! And WHAT A BOY!"

Dr. Hibbert says, "Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord. It's actually a girl."

Then the kids say, "Dad, that still doesn't explain why we don't have any pictures of Maggie."

Homer says, "Ah, but we do. I keep them where I need them most."

Then, you see a shot of his little nuclear cubicle. The "Don't forget, you're here forever" is covered with pictures of Maggie so that the sign is altered to say, "Do it for her."

Well, sorry to say, but I don't have anything else on Maggie. She's just a baby, after all. Maybe if she ever gets older...

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