You know, some people just don't get it. They don't understand. This man has decided to dedicate his personal time to all of you people, not because he had to, but out of the kindness of his heart, and his love for the Platinum Wrestling Revolution. This man has been sidelined with a serious neck injury, an injury that will keep him out of the ring for a very long time. Right now, this man could be nursing that injury, he could be sitting at home, in his warm bed, relaxing his very tender neck. This man could be using his time away from the ring to rehabilitate his neck injury, so he could return to the ring, and get back into the action. Instead, he's done none of the above. Instead, out of the goodness of his heart, he's dedicated his time to each and every fan of the Platinum brand, each and every worker of the Platinum brand, whether it be a staff member, or a wrestler, this man has chose to dedicate all of his time away from the ring, to all of you people. Instead of sitting in his bed, instead of letting his neck get the rest that it was prescribed, he's made the decision to help the Platinum Wrestling Revolution in every way that he can. Instead of going to the doctors appointments for updates on the condition of his injury, he's chosen to make the trip to each and every Glory, each and every house show, and each and every Pay-Per-View event. He's chosen to sit behind a desk, working through the pain that he's been suffering, ever since that tragic night, where his neck was forcefully and undeservingly planted into the mat, causing major damage, and forcing him out of the ring. This man, "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell, could be doing everything he could to rehabilitate his injury as quickly as possible, instead of attending every single Platinum brand show, he could be receiving wonderful massages, and therapeutic healing methods. But, this man has professionalism, and unlike many of the people that are contracted to the Platinum brand, this man generally cares. He cares about the direction of the company, and he cares about the people that wrestle and work for the Platinum Wrestling Revolution. People don't seem to understand that he's doing this out of the goodness of his heart, it's not something that he has to do, it's not something that he's paid to do. It's something he choses to do, because ten years from now, when he's enjoying early retirement, he wants to see the Platinum Wrestling Revolution live to create stars as big as he once was. He wants to walk down the street ten years from now, and people will point to him, and say, "Look, there's Sean Campbell. Not only was he the greatest wrestler in the Platinum Wrestling Revolution, he was also responsible for leading the Platinum brand to the level of greatness that it stands at today."

You people just don't seem to understand what this man is sacrificing, you don't seem to understand just how much he is giving, not for himself, but out of the goodness of his heart. He's not doing this because he's paying paid an extreme amount of money, he's not in it for the wealth, the only thing he's being paid is his own respect. He's not even doing it for the respect of everyone backstage, he's not doing it for the respect of the wrestlers, the agents, staff members, or anyone else. If that were the case, he would have given up a long time ago, because the members of the Platinum brand are just as blind as you people. They also do not realize just how much Sean Campbell is sacrificing, and giving up for you people. He's giving up something that he loves, he lives to wrestle, he lives to be inside of that ring each week, wrestling his heart out, just for the entertainment of you people. He doesn't do it for the money, it was never about the money, he was just fortunate enough to receive a little bit of wealth for something that he loves to do. Never, in his entire career as a professional wrestling, has he done something for the benefit of himself, Sean Campbell has never been the type of person to only think about himself. It's never been about him, it's never been about whether or not he was happy. He just hand to keep those fans entertained, because that was his job. It didn't matter if he was unhappy, he knew he had to continue to wrestle each night, it didn't matter if he was injured, he had to, if he was able, continue to wrestle, for the entertainment of the fans. He knew that those fans had paid good money to see a good wrestling show, and he wasn't going to let them leave that show until they were satisfied. That was his job, and he would never half-ass anything that he did, he never has. Whether it was a house show, a television show, or a Pay-Per-View, "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell had always put forth his fullest effort, because that's what he was meant to do. He was trained to be a wrestler to wrestle, not to be lazy, and put only sixty percent into his work ethic. It was always, always one hundred and ten percent, that's the way he was trained, that's the way he was taught to wrestle. He gave everything to you people, and you still don't seem too appreciate anything that this man does for you.

Here is a man, sidelined with a serious injury, forced out of the ring, prevented from doing something that he loves. Here is a man, that has made the decision to dedicate his rehabilitation time to making the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a better place. Instead of making a speedy recover to the wrestling ring, he's taken his personal time, his time away from the ring, and he's been using that time to make the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a better place. He's using that time off to come to each and every Glory show, even though he doesn't have to, and isn't paid to make those appearances. He uses his very own money, his hard earned money, and he uses it to make the trip to every house show, every Glory, and every Pay-Per-View. He doesn't have to do this, time and time again, he's been told that he doesn't need to make those trips to the shows, he should be using his time off to rest from his injury, he should be using his time to rehabilitate and restrengthen his tender neck. He's been told to stay in bed, and get some rest, he's been told to stay off his feet, because walking will only cause pain. But, every single morning, he continues to climb out of his bed under his own power, and he continues to take each painful step, he continues to make each of those trips to the Glory shows, even though he doesn't have to. And once again, believe it or not, he doesn't do it for himself. He's doing it for the better of each house show, each Glory show, and each Pay-Per-View event. He's doing it to make sure that all of you are entertained, he's doing it to make sure that all of you go home happy. He's busting his tail for you people, he's helping out in any and every single way that he can. In actuality, most of you don't even begin to realize just how much he does backstage, you people don't even know the half of what he does to help out. Despite being injured, he does everything he can, whether he's organizing the match line-up, or whether he's stepping into the ring with some of the younger talented before the shows, teaching them new techniques and moves that they could have only imagined to know. He does anything and everything he can, and he's not even paying paid for it. He's not even being recognized for it. Three quarters of the people backstage don't even realize just how much time "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell is giving to all of you people. All he wanted was a little respect, all he wanted was a little sympathy for this serious neck injury that he had suffered, yet he's still running around, helping everyone that he can help, just because he wants to, not because he has to.

On top of everything that he's done to help make the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a better place, on top of all of the time that he's dedicated to the Platinum Wrestling Revolution, "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell has also vowed to himself to make each episode of Glory a more family oriented program. He's wanted this for a long time now, he's sick of the violent that we see on every single wrestling show that is currently being produced and put on television. He's tired of seeing the trash that we all currently see on television today. Most importantly, he's tired of having children watch that trash that is on television, he's tired of children being exposed to such lude behaviour, from grown men, no less. The professional wrestlers that we see on television today are supposed to be idolized by younger wrestling fans, they're supposed to be looked up to as heroes, even if they may not be, that's what their job is. They're supposed to attract viewiers to their television shows, which will keep them tuned in. They used to attract viewers and fans by displaying fantastic wrestling matches, they used to attract viewers by actually telling a story in the ring, using their mat skill and knowledge to make such a great match. But now, with the recent decline in professional wrestling, these wrestlers have chose to tear each other limb from limb, smashing each other over the head with objects that were never meant to be near a wrestling ring, jumping from unnecessary high places, just to 'entertain' the fans. Who would have ever thought that flourescent light tubes would become popular in a wrestling ring, who would have ever thought that people wanted to see blood, more than they wanted to see an actual wrestling matches. Ladies and gentlemen, wrestling has officially turned into a circus, a very violent circus. "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell is tired of seeing wrestling turned into this circus, he's tired of seeing violence inside of a ring, he's tired of seeing friends tear each other apart, just to entertain the out of control wrestling fans that exist today. What happened to the wrestling that we say a decade ago? What happened to those great wrestling matches, where steel chairs, barbed wire, and flourescent light tubes weren't even considered to be used as a line of defense. Like I've said time and time again, Sean Campbell is helping to make the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a better place, by any means necessary, and if that means ridding the Platinum brand of violence, and bringing back traditional wrestling matches, then so be it. Sean Campbell is just here to help, folks. Don't make him out to be the bad guy.

Sean Campbell has tried his absolute hardest to help out in any way he can, he's tried everything. He's given advice to the younger stars, in hopes that they can put on good matches to keep the crowd entertained during Campbell's absence from the ring. He's trying his hardest to keep the Platinum brand from dying while he's away from the ring, because whether or not you like him, we all know that ninety five percent of the Platinum brands fans are fans of Sean Campbell, and it's not because how hard he can hit people with chairs, or how many flourescent light tubes he can smash over his opponents' head. They're fans of his because he has the wrestling ability of three quarters of the Platinum brand roster combined, he has the strength of ten men, and he's the most entertaining thing you'll see inside of a Platinum brand ring. Compared to Sean Campbell, everyone is bland. Although some may hate his attitude, they cannot deny the fact that he is quite possibly the greatest all-round wrestler to ever step foot into a ring. But, now that he can't do that, now that he can no longer wrestle for the time being, he's trying to put some spice into the younger talent, in hopes that the Platinum brand won't crumble and die while he's away. He's just trying to help, yet people continue to spit into his face, and pretend like he's done nothing to help this company, even though he's done more than John Lugo and Eric Van Zandt himself. He's tried to tone down the violence in the ring, he's tried to rid the matches of illegal maneuvers and illegal objects, he's tried everything he could, yet he continues to be disrespected, and treated like a piece of trash. People put his hands on an injured man, just because he is trying to make things right. He's doing everything he can to make sure that the Platinum brand is a pure wrestling brand, yet no one can see that this man is just trying to help, they don't realize that he's doing it for the better of the company. Sean Campbell isn't one to give up, though. He won't give up until the Platinum brand has at least one perfect, flawless show. Then, he will be able to consider himself a success, he will be able to look himself in the mirror, and realize that he's made the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a much better place.

Operation Genocide
June 27th

You know, it's hard enough to be "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell, as it is. Not only is he an injured man, but being in charge of making the Platinum Wrestling Revolution a better place is not an easy task. This federation, albeit great, is full of lowlives, petty criminals, and generally, low human beings. He's tried his hardest to make the Platinum brand's weekly episode of Glory a watchable program, he's tried his hardest to rid the television show of all of the violence that we see weekly, but sometimes, he's not as successful as he would like to be. He is only one man, after all.

The scene opens immediatly after last week's episode of Glory. Almost everyone has left the building, preparing to fly to the next Platinum brand house show, which leaves the building empty. John Lugo, however, is still in his office, shuffling through a stack of papers, scanning each sheet of paper, and rolling his eyes. He sets the stack down, and sighs.

John: Will anyone with actual talent apply to the Platinum Wrestling Revolution?

John lifts up another piece of paper, and scoffs.

John: "Lightning" Larry Lopez? Come ON!

Just then, the door to Lugo's office flies open, startling "The Iceman". "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell, armed with his rule book of professional wrestling, is standing in the door frame, breathing heavily, his face red with anger.

John: Sean, thank you for knocking, why don't you come in and take a seat.

Sean: This isn't a time for jokes, Lugo.

John: You look angry, what's wrong?

Sean: I'm guessing you haven't been paying to the television show that you're supposed to be running.

John: I'm a busy man, you know that.

Sean: Obviously too busy to even pay attention to your own show.

John: I'm not about to listen to someone insult me in my own office.

Sean: This is one of those times that you're gonna have to put up with it.

John: Well, come on it, and we'll talk about this like professionals. I'm not about to get into a screaming match with my good buddy.

Sean: Good buddy my foot!

John: Just come on in and sit.

Sean sighs, and walks up to the chair across from Lugo's desk. He plops down, slamming his rule book onto the table in front of him.

Sean: Alright, I'm sitting down, what else..boss?

John: Just talk to me about what happened, we're friends, aren't we?

Sean: Well you sure don't seem to be on my side lately.

John: What did I do?

Sean: I'm an injured man, Lugo. You should be watching for my personal safety while I'm out there, trying to save your federation from going under.

John: No one asked you to do what you're doing, Sean.

Sean: Well I thought I could get some sympathy from a friend, but apparently I was wrong. I'll be on my way now, thanks for nothing John.

Sean starts to get up, but Lugo interrupts him.

John: Sean, sit your ass down, and tell me what's going on.

Sean: Fine. John, I'm on the edge.

John: Why are you on the edge?

Sean: You didn't happen to see Nocturnal put his hands on me?

John: No, why did he do that?

Sean: He low blowed Gold during their match, so I went down there and told him how it was.

John: You didn't interfere in the match in any way?

Sean: Absolutely not, you know me better than that John.

John: And he put his hands on you?

Sean: Just inches from my injured neck, in fact.

John: This isn't good, we can't have that.

Sean: That's right. Something must be done.

John: What did you have in mind?

Sean: I don't know yet, but I'm creative enough to know that it'll be good when I think about it.

John: Well, this decision is in your hands.

Sean: John, you're the only man that will understand. Thanks.

John: Not a problem.

"The Rising Star" stands up, and extends his hand toward Lugo. Lugo also extends his hand, and shakes Sean's. Sean makes his way out of the room, before turning around..

Sean: He's going to pay dearly, so don't be angry if one of your superstars is put in harms way.

John: I think this is one of those times where I should just turn the other cheek, and pretend like I saw or heard nothing.

Sean: That's what I want to hear, thanks again.

Sean Campbell makes his way out of the room as the scene fades to black.