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from Ryazan, Russia
Working with Children
    Sergei is one of the children that I have worked with.  He was put in a children's shelter because his parents are both alcoholics.  He was moved to another shelter in a different region but I am still in contact with him.
     At Christmas I took small gifts to the other children at the shelter where Sergei used to be.  I also was able to send a box of 'goodies' to Sergei at his new location.
     Every Saturday a group from our church takes the train to a small village to spend time with children at an orphanage school.  We have also done a couple of performances there with music and dramas - which the kids really enjoyed.
     The one-on-one interaction with children - and the opportunity to show them God's love - is one of my main ministries in Ryazan.  Our church is primarily composed of young people between the ages of 13 and 21.
    "If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?" - James 2:15-16
     Another ministry is the hospitality after church every Sunday.  We provide hot tea, coffee, and cookies while people have fellowship.
     Another aspect of this ministry is helping to provide food for a member of our congregation that is essentially homeless.
     Hospitality can also extend to providing clothing and meeting other needs.  The Lord has provided for us and we have the honor of giving to others.
    I, Nicki Dials, have served in Ryazan for almost 2 years.  I love working with the Russian people and constantly seek the Lord's help to show His love to these people.
     Many Russians consider themselves to be Orthodox even if they never attend the church.  There is a great deal of superstition and wrong ideas that need to be overcome.  Many people have never read the Bible and few even know where to begin if they are interested.  These are the people we are trying to reach. 
     We often have concerts in the hall where we meet or we do street outreaches.  I participate in the drama ministry which I find is a powerful way to reach people without having to use words.  The musicians from our church also reach a lot of people with Christian rock music - in Russian.  These are just a couple of ways to get people to consider Jesus.
     If you feel led to help support this ministry, please send checks to:
   Calvary Fellowship
   Attn: Bookkeeping
   PO Box 128
   Mountlake Terrace,  WA   98043

     Checks should be payable to Calvary Fellowship with indication that it is for "Nicki Dials, Ryazan, Russia".
     Please be sure that any donations to not exceed an amount you can really afford.  In other words, I would rather have many supporters doing small amounts than a few people that can send a lot of money.  The Lord does not 'despise the little things'.
    Thank you for viewing my web page.  I hope you have enjoyed it and gotten some info about our church in Russia.  If you would like more info or anything, please contact me at